Originally Posted by BleedBurgundy
No, no, no, no it's not. You are assuming that the other 277 million citizens are going to choose private health care, which is quite obviously not the case.
AND, i hate to be a dick about this, because you do get piled on here but- $65 billion divided by 30 million people is roughly $2,166 per person, not $2 billion per person. Just a bit of a mistatement there.
Just look at the mandated health ins. in Massachusetts which many say is very close to the Obama plan and their problem getting the healthy people to sign up for the plan. See what happens is that the goverment program they have to take the sick and the people who cannot get affordable coverage in the private market. That drives up the cost thus healthy people go out and find cheaper rates in the private sector and now Massachusetts program has gone from 633 million to 930 million in just 2 short years. Its only going to get worse for them and its one of the problems with Obama's plan. You can also look to Ca. and their problems from expanding goverment over the years and thats where the nation is headed.