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Which one of you wrote this to Chris Cooley?

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Old 09-16-2009, 05:44 PM   #1
BDBohnzie's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Which one of you wrote this to Chris Cooley?

The Official Blog of Chris Cooley: "Fan" Mail


Before I say what I'm about to say, I've been a Skins' fan longer than you have been alive. I'm pissed right now. I saw a bunch of SOFT, OVER-PAID, B**** MADE MUTHAF***AS on Sunday play against the G-Men. Yes, I'm talking about the whole entire Skins Team. First, the defense got their a**es handed to. Again, the d-line looked like s*** most of the game (Haynesworth is soft and not worth that large contract) and the secondary couldn't stop d***. Landry is always late with the help, he needs to shut the f*** up and learn how to play. Sure, he is a hard hitter but he sucks a d*** at saftey. D-Hall is the softest b**** on the team, next to Portis. He looked like a high school CB out there among men on Sunday. Shouldn't have let Springs go for this sorry a** b****. Smoot is straight up the worst CB in the league. The only thing he could cover is a d*** with them big a** l**s......LOL. Offense looked like s*** but what else is new. You bamas can't seem to do s***. Moss, is NOT a number 1 receiver. If he was on any other team he would be a number 2, maybe even a number 3 receiver. Portis had that one good run to start the game and didn't see s*** after that. Oh, wait a minute, the camara caught him s*****g your d*** on the sidelines..... Damn, we need some new players cause you guys are not getting s*** done and I can't believe management keeps bringing the same soft s** b****es back every year thinking this year will be different. YOU GUYS f****** SUCK.... just a bunch of b****es out there not caring if they lose cause they know dumb a** is going to pay them and then over pay again when they are free agents......YOU B****ES NEED TO START PLAYING WITH SOME HEART, PASSION, AND LOVE FOR THE GAME instead out there collecting paychecks. The only team I see out there with some heart are the cheerleaders. TELL BIG SOFT A** ALBERT HAYNESWORTH TO GIVE BACK HIS PAYCHECK THIS WEEK BECAUSE HE DIDN'T EARN IT.....MATTER OF FACT ALL YOU B****ES SHOULD RETURN YOUR PAYCHECKS CAUSE NONE OF YOU EARNED IT.

Dare Greatly

It is not the critic who counts; nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcomings; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end, the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

~ Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)

And the reply...


First of all the letter is up in the locker room for the entire team to see.

Secondly, it's amazing what a complete moron you are. You could never know what this team means to myself and my fellow teammates or the amount of work that we put into playing for the Redskins. For someone to say the Redskins didn't play hard is a joke. You're a joke and should be embarrassed to call yourself a fan.

Oh and by the way, I reserved your last name and email address, but I would be more than happy to post it tomorrow per your request. Also, if you really wanted to be accountable for your outstanding piece of literature, I would love a picture so we can all see your shinning face.

Thanks for the note,
Bad Things man, I mean bad things...

“WE TOOK HIM IN THE SIXTH ROUND SO WE'RE NOT SMART EITHER.” - Shanny on what the Skins saw in Alfred Morris
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