Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat
Overall, if we swapped Cowher for Shanahan and kept everything else the same, it wouldn't be much different. I'd be 10/10 happy with Cowher as a coach (as opposed to 8/10 with Shanahan), but just as skeptical about everything else, perhaps even moreso in the personnel department. While Shanahan is a proven failure as a personnel guy, there's no book on Cowher, since he's always relied on a good GM to provide him with players. He could have been great having final say, he could have been as bad as Shanahan, or he could have been worse.
We need someone to help improve the offense as well as being a respected coach, which is Shanahan. It seems that if you are getting your facts from Wilbon then you are using other opinions to form this garbage you spew. I wondered why you never made sense, and now it's very clear. please tell me what Cowher would bring that Shanny doesn't, I'll wait until you email Wilbon and get your answer.