Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon
You forgot to mention Washington and Griffen as two of our top-shelf signings in free agency last year. They played a lot and they played VERY well!
I suggest that Danny Boy has a history of getting three catagories of players:
1. Players who used to be good (Deion, Bruuuuce, Mark Carrier) but are living on their reputations when he signs them.
2. Players who have prodigious physical skills but never seem to be on winning teams (Jeff George)
3. Players who are good but who get paid as if they are already in the Hall of Fame (Trotter, Morton, Coles)
You said they were "pretty close last year" . Pretty close to what? They were 6-10 and the division winner was 13-3. It looks to me as if they lost the division by 7 games and that is more games than they won all year.
Is it so much Danny Boy or is it REALLY Vince!!! We really need a DECENT GM that doesn't go by reputation as much as what pieces can actually fit with what we have, and would work with what the team wants to do offensively and defensively..............