Originally Posted by firstdown
Sorry your odds of 0% is not correct. The difference in atacks from dogs is that most people can fend off most other dogs but Pitts, Rotts, etc... by nature go for the kill. Why don't we ever hear of a Great Dane attacking and killing? I guess everyone who owns them are the good owners and keep their dogs under control.
It absolutely is 0%, given what I said. When a dog attacks, it goes for the kill. It doesn't matter if it's a Poodle or a Rott. Poodles don't say, "well, I just want make them bleed, not kill them". All dogs intentions are the same when in that mode. The key is to never let them get into that mode. Yes, you can 100% stop them from getting there.
Take a guess as to which breed has the most bites in relation to it's population.