my main gripe with the episode, but articulated much better, is mirrored here:
Marc Oromaner’s Lost In Myth: “Ab Aeterno”-Cadabra! And the Island Is…A Cork?? DocArzt's LOST Blog
While cynical viewers have assumed for some time that the creators of Lost were going to pull a solution out of their collective ass, not even the most pessimistic among them ever mentioned that they’d be pulling out a cork. While I still have faith that there is still something more interesting going on, “Ab Aeterno” gave me a bit to be concerned about. Sure, the story itself was intriguing and many answers were revealed. But those answers were less than spectacular. And given that all those answers were dreamed up in the early seasons it got me thinking, what if all the answers to this brilliant show are just really dull?
What if the ghosts seen on the island are actually, well, ghosts—or an impersonation by the “black smoke thingie”? What if the whispers are just the voices of those ghosts? What if that black smoke thingie is just some sort of evil entity trapped on the island? What if the numbers are just random numbers assigned by a god-like being named Jacob to find his replacement? What if Richard Alpert hasn’t aged simply because he asked for it and Jacob touched him? What if the Black Rock got to the middle of the island because Jacob caused a giant storm wave to bring it there? What if doing this caused the four-toed statue to topple? And what if the island really is nothing more than a metaphorical cork in a bottle to contain the black smoke thingie? In other words, what if the answers to Lost all turn out to be the stuff of Deus Ex Machina?
Even the worst season of Lost trumps anything else out there on network TV. however, after the truly ingenious season's 4 and 5 of the show, i've come to expect more of the show. Hopefully, the writer of the article is right, and there is more to it. his theory is pretty sweet. the article is definitely worth a read.