Originally Posted by saden1
Stay on the sideline until you're strong enough and ready to enter a game that requires critical thinking. We wouldn't want you to get a concussions now would we?
p.s. No wonder Libertarians never win any elections...what bunch of silly people.
Libertarians never win elections since the election laws for 3rd parties are so frigging ridiculous in most states that they have to blow almost all of their $ just to get on the ballot, and the MSM in cahoots with the 2 so called parties(mostly just two wings of the same monstrosity) that they don't get any media coverage. Rand Paul, like his dad is very big on states' rights, and the Constitution, which doesn't sit to well with the poltical establishment, since they are shredding the very laws that they have created.. As for being silly people, do you really like where the two parties have led us? Do you like how they sold the average American out to the International Financiers(Big Banks), Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, etc? Another question for you. Do you still hold Keynsian economics in high regard, since that has been the economic model we have been following for the past 60+ years? Seems both Dems and Reps are still in love with it even when it seems to have created a lot of booms and bust cycles throughout its lifespan. Seems to me "the game " anymore just deals with how low can you go or how much of a sellout you can be anymore. Critical thinking takes more than going along with towing the line of political correctness, which in itself is totally devoid of critical thinking, or much thinking at all!!!!!!