Advice on a new HVAC unit
After a week where we decided to get new carpet and had to replace a garage door, wouldn't you know it, our A/C unit craps out. Our compressor is shot and not under warranty. Cost to fix..$2500. It's only 8 years old.
The wise move is to replace the unit, become more energy efficient and get a $1500 tax credit. We have a 2 story, $2400 ft2 home. It was built in 2002 and the builder didn't do a great job w/ the AC install.
Friend of mine, works for a well respected local company. They do a thorough job, explaining and creating a good system. I know friends and neighbors he helped. He's going to replace w/ a 15 seer, 3.5 ton Trane unit, inside air handler, new refridgerant lines from unit, new air handlers, and re-route/improve the duct work in our room above the garage to improve efficiency. Bottom line, about 9k. We're getting another quote, but any thoughts out there. Damn, 9k. It's going to save us money no doubt, but I'm in a little bit of shock here. I was expecting 7k-ish.