08-30-2010, 09:04 PM
Pro Bowl
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Virginia Beach
Age: 50
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Re: Expose on the Tea Party Architects
Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule
I am not involved with the tea party, I just give my feelings or thoughts. That said, I think a lot of the timing is fairly coincidental. The republican party showed itself to be a useless tool, and at the same time the democratic party started pushing their grandiose government. Thus the tea party sprouted up by people who no longer believed that the republicans wanted a limited govt and didn't trust the dems promises of salvation by govt. At the same time, those who want change, but not "revolutionary" change, leaned to vote for Obama, as his slogan said, a change you can believe in. In the end, there is a lot of discontent, but it's assuaged by economics, and if the economy gets healthy the energy behind change will die out. But, like a fire, if the embers burn long enough, and the economy stays dry, a flame may burst forth.
This. Republicans don't want small government.
They who cry for war at every instance are the antithesis of small government.