12-13-2010, 03:59 PM
Living Legend
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Re: My Thoughts On The Glenn Beck Rally
Originally Posted by 12thMan
I guess at the core my beef with both rallies was that they split people into different camps, which tends to breed cultish like behaviour. If conservatives just go on being conservative after a Beck rally and liberals continue to subscribe to the same liberal ideology lock and step following the Stewart rally, then what was actually accomplished? I don't need to march down to the National Mall to hear that Obama is a socialist or that all Republicans don't care about working class Americans, because I don't believe either is true. We're spoon fed this garbage from the time we're able to pick up a newspaper, or nowadays read a blog.
I'm convinced that most Americans are closer on many of the issues than they realize. They don't live their daily lives on some left or right spectrum, but rather a continuum. As a liberal, I can talk to any one of my conservative friends about searching for a job, how to prepare my taxes, planning for a wedding, or finding a good deal on a flat screen TV. You know, everyday normal shit. We all start from a similiar place in life. One day we're fresh out of school, later, if we're lucky we get married, then we look up and we're sending our kid(s) to college. I think that's kinda it in a nutshell. There will always be differences of opinion on the right approach to govern our nation, that's why we have two parties. But when did it become so god darned evil to disagree with one another? The age of cult personalities and divisive politics, I feel, is taking it's toll on our country and I refuse to willingly participate.
[rant over]
Actually the Gleen Beck ralley was not about conservtives but more about taking back the country. I don't follow him so I'm not 100% postive but I believe he tried to keep polics out of his ralley.