Originally Posted by SmootSmack
Take out Newton and Gabbert b/c the Redskins won't trade up for either of those guys (I don't think)
Then you've probably got this order of preference, from what I've gathered
1. Dalton
1A. Locker
2. Ponder
3. Kaepernick
4. Mallet
However, after Ponder I believe that actually that cluster of McElroy, Taylor (maybe Stanzi) is preferable in 4th or 5th round over Kaepernick or Mallet in the 1st 2 rounds.
So, I would say if not Dalton, Locker, or Ponder then they probably wait a few rounds to take someone like McElroy. Again, no FA is really messing their plans up
Kaep? That the most surprising to me because of the similarities to Tebow and the way Kyle felt about Tebow.