Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33
Agree with SFSkin, haven't seen a ton of him playing but what I did see looked pretty good. His scouting report and 49 reps in bench sound a lot better than Jenkins' 17 bench reps and lack of stamina. Give me a guy who is tremendously strong with a high motor vs. the weakest DT in this class with questionable stamina.
True but I dunno about this whole Paea playing NT thing, I don't think it woulda worked. He's more of a penatrator than a hold your ground run stuffer type of player whom the redskins need. Also we clearly could have gotten him twice and passed on him both times. Jenkins is gonna do good at DE for us, and he's strong at the POA. Also he doesn't have injury concerns like Paea does. Paea has knee problems, and if he were at NT for us, he'd get worse knee problems I think.