Originally Posted by saden1
I did a month long Euro trip back 2005. I ate something bad on the first leg of the trip in the Netherlands and I couldn't keep food down for a few days. Then walked a shit ton in the Paris and southern France. The last week and half I spent exploring Italy and I couldn't eat a lot of food on restaurant menus because I'm allergic to tomatoes.
I was size 40 waist and on the last notch on my belt at the beginning of the trip. Between getting food poisoning, walking a shit ton, and not eating I lost about 20lbs and my belt became no good. I searched endlessly for size 38 belts allover Italy with no luck. Needless to say my pants were on the ground looking like a fool the last few days.
I'm think late night INFOMERCIAL "Last Notch Diet Plan". They take a week off from work while they suffer from food poisoning from the bad chicken which come with the program. Second week they take a bill which makes the allergic to their favorite food. In weeks 3 to 5 they do a shit ton of walking but we under play the actual walking part because we know people are lazy.