Washinton Post Live
I really can not believe CSN allows Ivan Carter to spew his racist comments over and over. He constantly tries to force race into issues where it does not belong and today calling for JoePa to be fired and saying how horrible he is when all the facts are not yet out there. If a black player or coach was treated like this he would be screaming racism. Why is it ok for a reporter of color to act the way he does? I am sick and tired of tuning in to watch about the Redskins or Caps only to hear about the Vikings and how white people get away with things black people dont. He is obviously a racist and I am going to write down any of his sponsors of WPL and start writing and calling them every day until he is removed or they remove their ads from WPL . Would people please join me in emailing CSN about this. Really makes me sick to have someone like him constantly forcing his racist view down my throat. I dont think its fair for a black reporter to get away with stuff that a white reporter would get fired for. There is such a thing as racism from people of color towards white people and is just as unfair.