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I have a question about speeding tickets

Parking Lot

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Old 04-20-2012, 12:36 PM   #25
Pro Bowl
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Re: I have a question about speeding tickets

Honestly, if the cop reduced the ticket down to 5 over from a double digit speeding ticket, I'd probably be very grateful he did. Pay it, and learn your lesson.

My last speeding ticket could have been accompanied with a ticket for "running" a yield light, but he didn't give me that one. Funny about that was, I actually was speeding for approximately 10 seconds if THAT long. I had pulled out into the road (the road was 35 MPH) went from 0 to 56 in just a few seconds (I was driving a V8 mustang) and slowed down to 40 mph in just about the same amount of time. So there was a very, very small window of opportunity for the cop to clock me going anything significantly over the speed limit, but alas, he did. If I had not driven through the yellow light, he probably would not have pulled me over. The problem was, this was one of those intersections where if you don't go ahead and slow down while the light is green, then the yellow light will catch ya at a point where you're forced to slam on your breaks (and I will never take that option since I've been rear-ended before) or to run through the yellow while it turns to red at the point where you're right under the light. So, me "running" the yellow light (as silly as that sounds to me) gave him enough ammo to pull me.

After that, I decided it's better to slow down and obey the speed limit to the best of my abilities, rather than to risk losing my license or at best be forced to pay out money that can be spent wisely on things I need. I now drive a Honda Accord (had to spring for the 270 HP V6 though lol) and it's a bit easier for me to keep within the limit, even though that car is quite a peppy little car. But, I feel much more calm driving now.
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