Even if it doesn't, I feel better knowing that someone in the NFL's office will open it and at least glance at it. And who knows? Maybe if enough people voice their concerns about it Goodell will get serious about it. All I know is it feels so much better than sitting on a forum belittling other people's efforts to make a difference. I'd hate to know you in real life, I'm sure your thought process goes something like this:
Neighbor donates 10 bucks to charity:
Your response: It's ok man, I'm sure your donation to charity will really make a difference. (rolls eyes)
POTUS is thinking about signing a bill into law, concerned resident sends him a letter:
Your response: it's ok man, I'm sure your letter will make a huge difference in his decision making. (rolls eyes)
Levees break in New Orleans, leaving thousands of people stranded, and your neighbor decides to go down to assist with the relief effort:
Your response: it's ok man, I'm sure your efforts will make all the difference. (rolls eyes)
Your friend/family member is upset with the current POTUS, and decides to vote against him in the next election:
Your response: it's ok man, I'm sure your vote will make all the difference. (rolls eyes)
I could go on and on, but I'm pretty sure my words are falling on deaf ears here. Keep up the negative attitude though, that's the kind of thing that gets you places.