Originally Posted by punch it in
I hope this comes across as a positive cus i mean it to be.
We are one bad penalty and a puss call on fourth and inches from probably being 3-0
Another way to phrase it, we are in every game. Some will go our way, and some won't. I still expect a 7-9 win season. I never thought Cincy was a lockgame and St. Louis too(because of our history with them). But we will win a few division games, might even sweep Dallas if they continue looking like they do (although they seemingly have solved some of their D woes). And we certainly can match Philly in a shootout if we have to go that way. And I expect a win at Tampa. Now if we lose Tampa well, that would not lead to a Positiive Post Thread.
Ultimately, there are 13 games left, and so far we have assured that we will neither have a perfect winning season, or a perfect losing season, other than that the future will be what they make of it.