Originally Posted by Longtimefan
Heaping praise on one player for physically ending the carreer of another (even if he's a Cowboy) is not in my mind a fond revelation. We should all hate to see any player get hurt at any time for any team. Everytime I hear someone speak of the LaVar on Aikman hit with fondness, I'm reminded of Jack Tatum and the hit he put on Darryl Stingley that cripled him for life. I was hoping at that time I would never again see anything like it, and can never imagine hearing of it as if it's something good.
I think you're basically correct. Everybody loves a good hit, but ideally the "victim" gets up soon after, if not immediately after. Unfortunately, the Redskins have not had the best of luck against the Cowboys these past few years. As a result, we have to take joy in the small things such as LaVar's hit. Had we won more games versus Dallas recently I'm not sure we would look back on that one hit with such fondness