Originally Posted by Son Of Man
Unless you are Native American, your feeling on the matter (either way) is irrelevant. Borderline self-serving.
The very nature of a Skins website is to discuss topics relevant to the Skins. Since this is about the name of the team, I would think it is a relevant discussion. And having vested nearly 40 years of my life as a Redskins fan, I think that I have a right to express my opinion. And that brings us back to the question, at what point does a word go from a dispersion to an honorable name. I wasn't around when the name was changed, I grew up thinking of the term Redskins as a good thing, and as a side note - Cowboys as a bad thing. I am pretty sure many if not most in my generation grew up with the same view, or if it was a negative it was because you didn't like the team - not because of any racial overtones.
Bottomline for me, if the whole of the collective native american tribes were demonstrating, picketing, and letting it be known that this was an offense against their race, then I would not have a problem with changing it. But if it is a group of lawyers, and a small non-representative sampling, then they need to move on. In my view, it is the latter.