Concerns about the offense
After watching the Pittsburgh game for the 2nd time, I have some real concerns about our O this year. First off, Ramsey continues to underthrow his receivers. There were at least 2 long throws that became "jump balls" and easily could've been picks. IMO he continues to make poor decisions, even his completions make you hold your breath at times, Moss made a tremdous adjustment to come back to the ball once, and the td to Cooley was close to a pick as well. I think Gibbs' leash on Ramsey will be short this year, 2 bad games back to back and we could be right back to Brunnell. For some reason I get a pit in my stomach when I think of Ramsey facing the Dallas defense, in Dallas, on Monday night of week 2. Thankfully we open against Chicago and a rookie QB in week one.
Is anyone else concerned about our lack of depth on the O-line? They are playing awesome right now, but our depth seems really poor, and certainly there is a better backup center than Raymer available somewhere right now. Just some thoughts for discussion.