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Parking Lot Off-topic chatter pertaining to movies, TV, music, video games, etc.

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Parking Lot

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Old 05-22-2005, 07:37 PM   #1
Camp Scrub
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 2
Join Zero Gravity Sports!!!


I am one of the members of
ZGS is an all sports forum that doesn't concentrate on any specific sport; but rather on making the poster feel welcome and allowing him/her to "shoot the $hit" and have a few good laughs. We tend to compare ourselves to a sports bar, as we can hold an intellectual conversation about politics, the world, and current events and at the same time hold a comedic conversation talking about anyone or anything from Michael Jackson to Martha Stewart to even ourselves. Then again, we have our intelligent sports conversations and debates as well. Everyone gets their point across punctually and respectfully without using unneeded profanity and derogatory comments. However, we don't censor our users. Want to go off and let out some steam? Be my guest, as long as it has some substance to it. We also have a NFL Real GM League, a fantasy football league. There's still some teams left like the Bears, Redskins and some others. We also have a NBA, MLB, and yes, a NHL one, if they aren't locked out!

We're looking for intelligent posters who can hold a conversation in any sport, someone who knows their team/sport to a high degree and can express their opinions. Punctuation? We're big on that too. We provide many features to accommodate the users and all we ask for in return is quality posts that are punctual and can be read without having to be translated. We are also looking for writers, as we will publish articles on the Front Page of the site upon receiving them. runs on vBulletin 3.0.7 and is complete with corresponding team logos and a wide variety of smilies, among other things. Hope some of you give the site a chance and check it out. And when you join, in the Refferal box, type UCONN2k5.
Discussing Sports On A Whole New Level...

.:ZGS Member:.
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