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Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

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Old 06-15-2006, 02:05 PM   #61
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by FRPLG
I was kidding. I agree with you. My sarcasm doesn't carry well over the net usually. I should know better.

On a different note in the same vein. Is it me or does someone basically throwing bombs about a subject totally rule the political landscape right now? I say this because That Guy, who isn't here right now but I hope he comes back and participates ome more, basically is obviously really anti-Bush. Which most of us can understand. Things are screwded up everywhere and blame lays with him on some. But when people make statements followed by logical and reasonable rebuttals and the original person making the statements justs yells and screams about it don't they invalidate themselves? That Guy come back and continue this!
We should have an official sarcasm font color or something. Sorry about that, I'm just a little edgy with the people who hate Bush but can't tell you why with actual facts. They're everywhere. They never use facts, they only argue with emotions. They'll even hope for bad news for the nation because they hate a single man so much. It's the COOL thing to do according to Hollywood scumbags and MTV, but thankfully MOST of them aren't old enough to vote and if they are...are too lazy to leave their computers to do so.

Yeah, like I said, there's a LOT of blame to go around about Katrina, but to try to place it on any single person or even agency if just stupid.

Hey, I heard sirens go by...I hope Bush and his cronies are responding NOW. If someone is sick, it's HIS fault if they die.

See how stupid that mindset is? He can't be everywhere all of the time and really, he isn't supposed to be. That's why we have state and even local governments...for LOCAL issues.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:08 PM   #62
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by dmek25
back in 1998( or somewhere around there) pres. clinton tried to establish a federal office that is now known as homeland security. the republican run congress laughed in his face saying there is no need to waste anymore tax dollars on something we dont need. the rest, as they say, is history
Do you have any link to this or know what the bills number or name was. The only reason I ask is because I have never heard of this and with all the mud slinging and blamming after 9/11 I think that we would have herd of this over and over again.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:15 PM   #63
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by cpayne5

We're the world's superpower. With the power comes responsibility whether you like it or not. Hussein was on his way to being the next Hitler. He had already killed about half a million people for no good reason at all.

Also, despite what you might've heard on the news, al Qaeda WAS in Iraq before us. Qusay Hussein (the now dead son who liked raping women in front of families and chopping off arms) offered Zarqawi medical aid when he was injured in some little Jihad battle in Afghanistan. Between the UN's Oil-for-Food program that gave Hussein cash "for food" in exchange for oil, which Saddam used on WEAPONS (regular and chemical)...along with their relationship with terrorists who had vowed to kill all Americans...we needed to put an end to it all before they did something to make 09-11 look like an insect bite. We have satellite images of WMDs being moved, probably to Syria, before we went in. If we didn't have to follow UN "let's warn them for 12 years and play nice" tactics, he wouldn't have had time to move them out. Saddam buried his fighter jets for crying out loud, which we what's to say he couldn't bury a few little nuke warheads too? We've also found chemical weapons labs that went unreported. We WILL find the rest of the WMDs but at least the madman is out of power and won't be killing women and children or supplying terrorists with weapons any more.

We tried to ignore the war that was started against us in 1993 for WAY too long. Terrorists were targeting Americans all over the world all of the time, from the USS Cole bombing, to several embassy bombings, night club and hotel bombings, the WTC in 1995 and 2001, the Pentagon...who knows what would be next.

Ignoring them WON'T make them go away. Bill Clinton taught us that lesson.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:16 PM   #64
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by firstdown
Do you have any link to this or know what the bills number or name was. The only reason I ask is because I have never heard of this and with all the mud slinging and blamming after 9/11 I think that we would have herd of this over and over again.
All he would've had to do was fire Gorelick. She prevented data sharing between the agencies. The fact that she was on that 09-11 Commission instead of being investigated BY them was a joke.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:18 PM   #65
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by Buster
We should have an official sarcasm font color or something. Sorry about that, I'm just a little edgy with the people who hate Bush but can't tell you why with actual facts. They're everywhere. They never use facts, they only argue with emotions. They'll even hope for bad news for the nation because they hate a single man so much. It's the COOL thing to do according to Hollywood scumbags and MTV, but thankfully MOST of them aren't old enough to vote and if they are...are too lazy to leave their computers to do so.

Yeah, like I said, there's a LOT of blame to go around about Katrina, but to try to place it on any single person or even agency if just stupid.

Hey, I heard sirens go by...I hope Bush and his cronies are responding NOW. If someone is sick, it's HIS fault if they die.

See how stupid that mindset is? He can't be everywhere all of the time and really, he isn't supposed to be. That's why we have state and even local governments...for LOCAL issues.
I liked now in the last election MTV and some other groups did all this work to get out the young vote. They talked about how the younger generation was going to show up in full force and become a factor in the elections. After the election there was a drop in the younger generations voting. I think its funny because all those MTV people thought they where doing something but its sad that more people do not get out and vote.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:20 PM   #66
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by firstdown
I liked now in the last election MTV and some other groups did all this work to get out the young vote. They talked about how the younger generation was going to show up in full force and become a factor in the elections. After the election there was a drop in the younger generations voting. I think its funny because all those MTV people thought they where doing something but its sad that more people do not get out and vote.
I remember that. That was hilarious.

Oh, to get back on topic...sure, I could say FEMA sucks. Any bureaucratic agency doesn't make them evil though. It's just a fact of life.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:21 PM   #67
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by firstdown
I liked now in the last election MTV and some other groups did all this work to get out the young vote. They talked about how the younger generation was going to show up in full force and become a factor in the elections. After the election there was a drop in the younger generations voting. I think its funny because all those MTV people thought they where doing something but its sad that more people do not get out and vote.
I'm young and I voted. Probably not how MTV wanted me to, though.
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Old 06-15-2006, 02:52 PM   #68
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by firstdown
I liked now in the last election MTV and some other groups did all this work to get out the young vote. They talked about how the younger generation was going to show up in full force and become a factor in the elections. After the election there was a drop in the younger generations voting. I think its funny because all those MTV people thought they where doing something but its sad that more people do not get out and vote.
Well "P Diddy" said to "Vote or Die," which MUST mean that's it's very important for me as a young person to vo...oh look! Shiny things on MySpace!
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Old 06-15-2006, 03:00 PM   #69
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by cpayne5
I'm young and I voted. Probably not how MTV wanted me to, though.
I was not knocking young voters I was knocking MTV. Its great that you take the time to go out in vote. If you vote you can complain if you don't vote shut up.
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Old 06-15-2006, 03:03 PM   #70
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Look I voted for Bush. I voted for Bush at the time because I believed in him. I voted for Bush because I agree with the basic ideals of conservatism (which apparently aren't obeserved by our elected conservatives. that's a whole other argument). I now have little appreciation for him and the job he has done on many things but I also think he gets a totally raw deal on a lot of things. The political temperature in this country is now one of attack and destroy. If a democrat had been in power for the last 2 terms he would have been attacked on whatever issues came about in the same way Bush has been. It is just terrible the way our political process has been hijacked by spcieal issuers who know how advance their agendas regardless of tactic and truth. The truth is that Bush has done a poor job in some ways and a great job in some ways. Just like every president he has success and failures. I have no problem pointing out his failures. I could make a list. But I also try to be even handed and objective about analyzing and realize that this situation in NO isn't "HIS" fault. It is the collective fault of a very large number of people including him.
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Old 06-15-2006, 04:43 PM   #71
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

i agree with that statement.although the large part of blame will always lie with the commander and chief. its just like if the redskins really stink it up, coach gibbs bares the brunt of why? is it justified? sometimes yes, sometimes no. we will agree to disagree on pres bush and his croonies are doing a good job.
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Old 06-16-2006, 12:18 AM   #72
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by FRPLG
I was kidding. I agree with you. My sarcasm doesn't carry well over the net usually. I should know better.

On a different note in the same vein. Is it me or does someone basically throwing bombs about a subject totally rule the political landscape right now? I say this because That Guy, who isn't here right now but I hope he comes back and participates ome more, basically is obviously really anti-Bush. Which most of us can understand. Things are screwded up everywhere and blame lays with him on some. But when people make statements followed by logical and reasonable rebuttals and the original person making the statements justs yells and screams about it don't they invalidate themselves? That Guy come back and continue this!
hate to tell you i tend to vote republican :P and I only blamed bush for appointing idiots, yet you somehow misconstrue everything into strawmen and infer lots of things that aren't said or implied. there's no real reason to continue cause you're doing nothing but making up phantoms to argue against.
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Old 06-16-2006, 12:22 AM   #73
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by FRPLG
Where did I rant on anything? YOU made a statement in reference to organizing a better evacuation. It implied that FEMA and or the fed should have done a better job in this regard. cpayne correctly pointed out that FEMA and the federal government isn't responsible for that. In fact they have no jurisdiction to do it at all in any way. Actually it would be illegal. That shows that on that subject you were uninformed. I made no comments about race or anything like that. YOU are the one cursing. YOU are the one over-reacting.
wrong, it implied that a better job should have been done (period). I blamed the locals for being inept, but FEMA didn't help either. I think bush could have also done more like spend 10 minutes on national TV saying "this is going to be bad" or trying harder to convince the locals that an evacuation was really needed. I think bush should have had FEMA run by someone with a proper background. Maybe FEMA sucks, but if someone who actually does logistics an civil engineering for a living was in charge, at least a proper game plan could be made.

I also mentioned that if the locals are willing to do nothing, someone should step in, not based on legal doctrine but on common sense (like working harder to convince the locals if nothing else).

I can't see were all your arguements come from cause you're bashing me while not rebutting anything i've actually mentioned and instead ignoring it. Your responses make lots of rash and overreaching assumptions that just aren't true. sorry.
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Old 06-16-2006, 12:26 AM   #74
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Anyone else here imagining a meeting between Buster and Shane (old schoolers remember Shane)?

What I find a bit amusing is how a lot of people think it's something new, appointing people you're familiar with to high positions around you. I mean there's that story about how Lincoln appointed his "enemies" to his cabinet (Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer), but politics is a lot about connections and favors. Been that way long before W came along, and will be long after. You'd like to think that the best people are always chosen, but that's not necessarily always the case-and it's not always clear whose fault it is.

You know who doesn't appoint friends? baby, that's who. None of us mods really know each other all that well. A lot of us have never spoken to each other. Yet we run a tight ship...oiled by the blood of its members.

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Old 06-16-2006, 12:34 AM   #75
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Re: Simply put, FEMA sucks!!

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
Anyone else here imagining a meeting between Buster and Shane (old schoolers remember Shane)?

What I find a bit amusing is how a lot of people think it's something new, appointing people you're familiar with to high positions around you. I mean there's that story about how Lincoln appointed his "enemies" to his cabinet (Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer), but politics is a lot about connections and favors. Been that way long before W came along, and will be long after. You'd like to think that the best people are always chosen, but that's not necessarily always the case-and it's not always clear whose fault it is.

You know who doesn't appoint friends? baby, that's who. None of us mods really know each other all that well. A lot of us have never spoken to each other. Yet we run a tight ship...oiled by the blood of its members.

There's no cronyism here, no favoritism. We just get shit done....this message sponsored by the Warpath Mods '08 exploratory committee and the Ad Council
right, but appoint your engineering friends to head things like FEMA and your idiot friends to jobs like head ambassador to uganda.
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