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SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Parking Lot

View Poll Results: What Political Issue is Most Important to You
Abortion 1 2.78%
Economy 13 36.11%
Education 7 19.44%
Energy & Oil 10 27.78%
Foreign Affairs (Iraq) 19 52.78%
Gun Control 2 5.56%
Health Care 9 25.00%
Immigration 11 30.56%
Social Security 4 11.11%
Tax Reform 3 8.33%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 36. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-30-2007, 08:59 PM   #1
Uncle Phil
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SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Sheriff Gonna Getcha is all about the political polls today.

Ok, so when choosing your candidate what's the most important issue to you? I'll give you the option of choosing two since I'm sure Iraq would be the overwhelming choice for the majority of the group.

-Foreign Affairs (Iraq)
-Health Care
-Social Security
-Energy & Oil
-Gun Control
-Tax Reform

Granted these are broad issues. But it's a start
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Old 05-30-2007, 09:53 PM   #2
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

i voted health care. but its going to have to be someone with some big gazoinkas to try and fix that mess. between the drug companies, the doctors, and the insurance companies. thats a hole lot of cash
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Old 05-30-2007, 10:02 PM   #3
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

All the issues are important to me.

Foreign Affairs - We need to do the right thing. Get the fuck out of other people's business. I would like to see us isolate ourselves from world conflict. Step back and say we're not willing to be a middle man. We're not going to make back door deals. I'm a layzafair isolationist.

Health Care - I don't want to see a complete and utter overhaul as that would be disruptive. I want to see reduction in costs, the repeal of the drug prescription bill that was passed and a proposal of a new bill that's fair to the people and the drug companies.

Economy - I need to get paid, and continue to get paid. I'd hate to end up on the streets pimping your sister :P

Social Security - I'm paying into this program and I'll never see a penny if things stay the same. I'd like to see the government not be allowed to borrow from it. I'd like to see money invested in stopping SS fraud. I think at some point we have to overhaul SS.

Education - My brother's tuition needs to be reduced. That'll stop the SOB from trying to hit me up for some money . I see no need for the Federal department of education. They're just useless middle men. The states should have control over education and manage financial aid and grants. They already to it any ways. I'd like to see the school systems and teachers get evaluated and tested. I've been in classes taught by beef jerkies that didn't know shit. I'd like to see those people in other professions.

Abortion - I just hate for the government to legislate and dictate what people can or can't do. I will however support a ban on partial birth abortion. I think a woman should make a decision to abort the baby before it's fully formed. 6 months seems like an awfully long time to not make up your mind. Of course a ban on partial birth abortion shouldn't apply if the woman's heath is at risk.

Immigration - Just look around and see who is making your pizza, sandwich, cleaning up after your ass. It's immigrants. Immigrations are good for this country though I don't like the fact that so many people are coming into the country illegally especially when so many people around the world are waiting and going through the lottery system. I say deport all the criminals right away. You can't really deport 12+ million illegal immigrants without adverse impact on the economy so I say let the ones that are currently here illegally work towards residency/citizenship. They should be granted work permits and allowed to work in the states. After 10 years they should be eligible for a green card.

Energy & Oil - No single politician has the power to impact how the Oil and Automakers operate. The politicians will all tell you what they want you to hear and not too many of them have the balls to or can institute the policies necessary for change. F*ck the energy and oil industrial complex, I'm waiting for that killer car and fuel source. Only the people can bring about change. I'll vote with my dollars.

Gun Control - People should be able to own guns. I go to the shooting range once in a while with former marine buddy and it's pretty fun. I don't like the idea of people being able to buy guns willie-nillie though. WTF does anyone need 10 AK-47's for? Guns are enablers and they make you feel powerful, it's best to stay away from them all together unless you're participating in some kind of activity.

Tax Reform - Uncle Sam is bending me over every paycheck. Not only that but our executives pay capital gains tax of 15% on their stock options while us lowly employees pay our income tax rate. I'd like to see capital gains mess sorted out and fairness brought to our tax system. I'd like to see the elimination of tax havens for corporations and wealthy individuals. No, you can't do business in the states and have you HQ in the Cayman Islands. I'd like to see single people get a tax brake for being single and not contributing to over population. Married couple who don't have kids should get a tax break too

p.s. Vote for saden in '08.
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Old 05-30-2007, 10:17 PM   #4
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

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Old 05-30-2007, 10:37 PM   #5
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Issues related to economics drive about 75% of my voting decision.

The rate at which the economy grows has a profound effect on our lives, there's a trickle-down or ripple effect. Strong GDP growth leads to:

- more jobs
- more people who can afford healthcare
- more citizens with portfolios that most would consider reliable sources of retirement income (mitigating the impending social security disaster)
- more tax revenue to the federal government (the higher the profits of big business, the more taxes they pay)
- stronger currency
- and GDP growth helps mitigate the consequences of the federal deficit

I think the economy is the issue of which Americans have the poorest understanding, BY FAR. And yet it's by far the most important to our children's future and our own well-being in the present.

Figures the salary cap nerd would say the economy, LOL. But what can I say, money talks.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:10 PM   #6
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Foreign Affairs (Iraq): We should stay out of most people's business (including "humanitarian wars"). But, Al Qaeda is our business and I'm glad we went into Afghanistan and we should stay there. I'm pissed we went into Iraq, but I honestly do not know how leaving Iraq is going to make it better. I don't buy the Ostrich "bury your head in the sand and things will all be better" theory.

-Health Care People should not complain about doctors or insurance companies when they have a KFC drumstick hanging out the side of their mouth. Our healthcare system is very screwed up and needs some fixing, but you don't need so many "fixins."

Social Security I don't really know where I stand. On the one hand, there should be some very basic safety net for people. On the other hand, it seems awfully paternalistic to say to people "give me your money because you are too dumb to make a decision for yourself." Moreover, the return on investment for SS isn't nearly as good as that which many safe mutual funds can offer. I'm not wholly sold on "privatizing" SS, but I'm not convinced that the government is the entity that I want to trust with my money.

Education Higher education is way too expensive. There are a lot of people with enormous talent who think that college is a pipedream because their parents can't afford to send them to college. In that regard, we are wasting an awful lot of smart people that we have invested our tax dollars in.

Abortion See Saden's response.

Immigration Sometimes I think that "immigration reform" is code word for "we hate [insert minority group]." I'm not accusing anyone who supports immigration reform of being racist by any means, but the immigration reform movement has definately tapped into the "we hate [insert minority group]" segment of the population. We hear all these statements about immigrants draining the tax pool, but we rarely hear how much these immigrants contribute to American society. I suppose the inscription on the Statue of Liberty needs to be replaced with something a little more xenophobic.

Energy & Oil I have no problem with big oil. Oil is a finite resource and we will only enact sweeping energy reforms and get serious about alternative fuel development when oil becomes cost-prohibitive. We are addicted to oil and the only thing that is going to kick our habit is a good swift kick to our pocketbooks. So, drive your SUVs and help drive us towards $15 per gallon.

Gun Control I said this before, I think that very limited gun ownership is fine. Sorry, I don't put the right to propel a small projectile out of a metal tube at high velocity on par with the right to free speech or freedom of the press. Oh, and a bunch of fat guys walking around the woods in funny clothes with patches that read "18th Michigan Freedom Fighters Army" on their sleeves aren't going to stop "government tyranny."

Tax Reform I hate taxes, but I like police, roads, and schools.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:21 PM   #7
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

I voted Iraq and the economy.

However, my vote generally goes to the person who is most likely to cause the editorial page of the New York Times to shake their collective heads in disbelief. This is how I knew to pick Bush over McCain. Guliani has the lead among Republicans now, but of course any Republican will claim this distinction in the general.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:50 PM   #8
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Energy and oil.
I firmly believe that if we don't get a grip on this, we will have no environment to protect, therefore it is my #1 issue.
We as a society need to stand up and demand alternative fuels, not this 1% of company profits going to alternative fuel "research".
Crude oil is down $10 a barrel, but our fuel prices are up an average of $.39 a is this possible? It's possible cause the oil companies are showing 15 billion dollar profits while last year they were 5 billion.
There was an interview done recently on one of the big gas execs (I think it was exxon mobil) and the basic comments are "well, it's supply and demand, if the demand is high, then prices will be high". In other words, we are too dumb to stop them.
We need someone to take the reigns with this and get us converted to say, corn fuel.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:55 PM   #9
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post

Gun Control I said this before, I think that very limited gun ownership is fine. Sorry, I don't put the right to propel a small projectile out of a metal tube at high velocity on par with the right to free speech or freedom of the press. Oh, and a bunch of fat guys walking around the woods in funny clothes with patches that read "18th Michigan Freedom Fighters Army" on their sleeves aren't going to stop "government tyranny."

Well, it's still there in the constitution, and if we make all the legit people give away their guns and right to protect themselves, then the only people who have guns are the criminals. There should be no such thing as "gun control" just MASSIVE penalties for those who use it as weapon. IE: hold up a 7 11 with a pistol, you get an automatic 10 years prison.
Of course this means we will need more jails / prisons, and we should build them in the middle of no where and go back to the days where they had to bust ass to survive, not watch HBO and be allowed to work out 10 hours a day.
Just my 2 cents.
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Old 05-31-2007, 01:18 AM   #10
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Um how about Homeland Security, actually in the homeland?? Take some of that crap outta the defense budget and allocate it to make us secure at home, otherwise terrorist attacks are still happening.

The nature of terrorism as a virtual state, with no clear leaders(one can argue even if Bin Laden dies it is not a big deal, someone else will take his place) the best bet is to be safe at home first and then waste money abroad.
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Old 05-31-2007, 01:23 AM   #11
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Originally Posted by hooskins View Post
Um how about Homeland Security, actually in the homeland?? Take some of that crap outta the defense budget and allocate it to make us secure at home, otherwise terrorist attacks are still happening.

The nature of terrorism as a virtual state, with no clear leaders(one can argue even if Bin Laden dies it is not a big deal, someone else will take his place) the best bet is to be safe at home first and then waste money abroad.
In my pre-thread discussions with SGG we categorized that within Foreign Affairs. As I said, these are broad issues.
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Old 05-31-2007, 01:26 AM   #12
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
All the issues are important to me.

Foreign Affairs - We need to do the right thing. Get the fuck out of other people's business. I would like to see us isolate ourselves from world conflict. Step back and say we're not willing to be a middle man. We're not going to make back door deals. I'm a layzafair isolationist.

Health Care - I don't want to see a complete and utter overhaul as that would be disruptive. I want to see reduction in costs, the repeal of the drug prescription bill that was passed and a proposal of a new bill that's fair to the people and the drug companies.

Economy - I need to get paid, and continue to get paid. I'd hate to end up on the streets pimping your sister :P

Social Security - I'm paying into this program and I'll never see a penny if things stay the same. I'd like to see the government not be allowed to borrow from it. I'd like to see money invested in stopping SS fraud. I think at some point we have to overhaul SS.

Education - My brother's tuition needs to be reduced. That'll stop the SOB from trying to hit me up for some money I see no need for the Federal department of education. They're just useless middle men. The states should have control over education and manage financial aid and grants. They already to it any ways. I'd like to see the school systems and teachers get evaluated and tested. I've been in classes taught by beef jerkies that didn't know shit. I'd like to see those people in other professions.

Abortion - I just hate for the government to legislate and dictate what people can or can't do. I will however support a ban on partial birth abortion. I think a woman should make a decision to abort the baby before it's fully formed. 6 months seems like an awfully long time to not make up your mind. Of course a ban on partial birth abortion shouldn't apply if the woman's heath is at risk.

Immigration - Just look around and see who is making your pizza, sandwich, cleaning up after your ass. It's immigrants. Immigrations are good for this country though I don't like the fact that so many people are coming into the country illegally especially when so many people around the world are waiting and going through the lottery system. I say deport all the criminals right away. You can't really deport 12+ million illegal immigrants without adverse impact on the economy so I say let the ones that are currently here illegally work towards residency/citizenship. They should be granted work permits and allowed to work in the states. After 10 years they should be eligible for a green card.

Energy & Oil - No single politician has the power to impact how the Oil and Automakers operate. The politicians will all tell you what they want you to hear and not too many of them have the balls to or can institute the policies necessary for change. F*ck the energy and oil industrial complex, I'm waiting for that killer car and fuel source. Only the people can bring about change. I'll vote with my dollars.

Gun Control - People should be able to own guns. I go to the shooting range once in a while with my former marine buddy and it's pretty fun. I don't like the idea of people being able to buy guns willie-nillie though. WTF does anyone need 10 AK-47's for? Guns are enablers and they make you feel powerful, it's best to stay away from all together unless you're participating in some kind of activity.

Tax Reform - Uncle Sam is bending me over every paycheck. Not only that but our executives pay capital gains tax of 15% on their stock options while us lowly employees pay our income tax rate. I'd like to see capital gains mess sorted out and fairness brought to our tax system. I'd like to see the elimination of tax havens for corporations and wealthy individuals. No, you can't do business in the states and have you HQ in the Cayman Islands. I'd like to see single people get a tax brake for being single and not contributing to over population. Married couple who don't have kids should get a tax break too

p.s. Vote for saden in '08.
I agree with just about everything he said, You got my vote...
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Old 05-31-2007, 01:34 AM   #13
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

Personally my two big beefs are illegal immigrants and social security. I don't believe illegal aliens should be given similar benefits to those who are actually paying taxes into the programs illegal aliens are cyphering off of for free. And though I know it's not the popular idea I personally love the idea, if set up correctly, for private social security. The majority of the money I'm personally making that is cut away for social security should go into a personal account that can't be accessed until I turn 65-68 years old. The other part can still go to the various programs it needs to especially so those who are retired now still receive something, but the majority of it should be for my personal future well being and that of my family because there's no way in hell I'll see a cent when it's my time if social security stays the way it is.
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Old 05-31-2007, 01:58 AM   #14
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

I would be in heaven ($ heaven) if SS was friend's mother who has nerve damage and can not function normally without pain killers, well, she'll have to choose between eating and medication.. As the old saying goes, you are as strong as your weakest link. We can not abandon those who are really in need.
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Old 05-31-2007, 05:39 AM   #15
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Re: SGG's What's Your Issue Poll

I chose Iraq obviously. I would like to see more emphasis on poor and homeless and make it illegal for them to be out on the street, while providing a means for them to succeed. I would also like to see stricter standards from a Federal standpoint on building codes and improve the quality from a structural standpoint of the conditions in which a human being is permitted to live. Of coarse while the places were being renovated or rebuilt, housing would have to be provided for those occupants. There are empty hotel rooms everyday in every city in the U.S.

The United states also needs to harvest or develop another Gross National Product other than Entertainment. Something that we can actually put stock into that the rest of the world could become dependant of us for. Just a thought. People are going to figure out how to entertain themselves and we're screwed.
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