09-02-2009, 02:15 PM
Impact Rookie
Join Date: Aug 2005
Age: 54
Posts: 752
Battle of the NFC East: Wide Receivers
Battle of the NFC East: Wide Receivers - DC Pro Sports Report
Today, DC Pro Sports Report continues a series looking at how the Washington Redskins and their NFC East rivals stack up against each other position by position. We will review each position from best to worst in the division and pick the best player at that position in the NFC East. Remember, though I am a Redskins fan and DC Pro Sports Report makes no bones about its rooting preferences, we analyze all sports questions at arms-length, so expect no home team boosterism here. Previously, we have covered the quarterback position, the running back position and the tight end position. Today, we cover wide receivers. Remember, these team rankings a for the entire position, not for any one player.