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Rolle Is Wrong

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Old 02-28-2005, 11:29 PM   #1
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Rolle Is Wrong

This just doesn't make any sense. There must be a whole lot more to this story...

1. Why give up on a Smoot for a player that MAY be marginally better?

2. Why replace a good player with a good player.

3. Why replace a good player with a good player that is reported to be $5M more than what is reported to be the asking price of the incumbent.

4. Why replace a fan favorite good player with a good player?

5. Why replace a branded redskin with some one who will in all likelihood not be liked by the fans.

There are too many things here that just doesn't make sense. SPECIALLY for Danny boy. Smoot is a marketers dream.

Here's my take on this...Either the asking price for Smoot is not what is being reported or the skins are using Rolle as leverage in the Smoot negotiations. Since I haven't seen Gibbs come out as quickly as he did for the Coles thing....there must be something up.

BOTTOM LINE...This just doesn't make sense.
---lifetime skin
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Old 02-28-2005, 11:33 PM   #2
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

i totally agree. im not for all this "well if we cant get smoot take rolle" trash. it's bs and if you cant see how this is the same formula for disaster we always use then ur blind. if youre in the top 5 overall defense youd think that theyd keep as many players as possible, especially a fan fave like smoot.

hopefully there's some stuff workin behind the scenes. if smoot goes ill have a much harder time cheering for washington.
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Old 02-28-2005, 11:52 PM   #3
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

Maybe its something in the #'s because The figures that they spit out in the media can be false and only the team and the agent trully know what #'s are being thrown out there as far as salary.
That got ugly fast
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Old 03-01-2005, 12:09 AM   #4
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

One thing about the Skins that holds true is that they always want to get everything important done in the first few hours of free agency. That means a lot of things are going to go down over the next 25 - 48 hours.

They may be trying to pressure Smoot a little to come to the table and get it done if he really wants to stay. It's good business to have options... and right now, Rolle is just an option. If Smoot comes to the table and gets things done, I'm sure he would be back. If not, we need a cover corner for our defense to work.

I want Smoot back, but we need to cover our butt if he is intent on testing free agency.
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Old 03-01-2005, 12:26 AM   #5
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

its either not true, or there is more to the smoot talks that we dotn know about. Rolle is comign off surgury, I dont think we would pay moer for that just because
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Old 03-01-2005, 12:37 AM   #6
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

im not sure how odd it really is...this is danny boy were talking about here. he always tries to make a big splash and sign a high profile free agent for a huge contract. rolle isnt the player he used to be and i like smoots youth and his leadership. i think honestly its in smoots hands because i know that gibbs and the team wants him back, but then if smoot doesnt come back i dont think wilds and harris can do the job so then rolle could be the answer.
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Old 03-01-2005, 12:41 AM   #7
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

Why is everyone talking like Dan Snyder is the one behind getting Rolle, Gibbs has final say pretty much. And being that Rolle is a CB, that would make me think that Williams is the one that wants him here not Snyder.

The only thing that Snyder can be blamed for lately is giving his coaches what they want.
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Old 03-01-2005, 12:41 AM   #8
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

I think the talks with rolle are happening for a couple reasons...
A) To take away leverage from Smoot
B) As a safety net in case smoot is justs delaying a decision until march 2nd to take a look at other offers regardless of the skins offer (the skins FO arent the only people allowed to be shady)
C) We got a steal on springs since he was injured, and getting a CB like rolle cheaply is a hard thing to do...
D) Of all the CBs on the market, rolle is the best option for us (he's 28, knows the defense and is a better cover corner when healthy, and will be cheap price/performance right now)

I've watched rolle play, and he's GOOD... i can see him getting 7 ints next year... the only knock on him is his injuries and how much they're going to affect his play in the future...

The only thing better than having the best #2 CB is having two #1s... and then former starter walt harris and wilds as your backups... crazy...

I'll trust williams for now, since he's the only capable GM in the FO right now... and remember, even if we give smoot what he wants, he might just delay till the 2nd and walk anyways.

Some people have stated that they'd be comfortable starting harris instead of getting another guy... but williams might not be as comfortable as you with that idea, and he's the head guy on D

the preceeding post is basically a cut/paste job from this post in the rolle/smoot thread i wrote earlier.
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Old 03-01-2005, 11:40 AM   #9
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

Rolle will be looking for a signing bonus in the neighborhood of 15...which is about what Smoot is asking for. . .

quite interesting as well that the Times has the Skins nearly signing Rolle, while the Post has several sources stating that it is false, and that Rolle's asking price is what's keeping the Skins away. also interesting that the article from the Times cannot be reached...
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Old 03-01-2005, 11:45 AM   #10
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

Not necessarily. The rumor was probably started by Rolle's agent to set the tone for his client's negotiations. The Redskins were the perfect victim because of our situation with Smoot and our history of signing free agents with large signing bonuses. The fact that Rolle played under G. Williams helped it sell too (I questioned that because Williams wasn't pressed to bring in Winfield last year). Also, the rumor could've been started by a rival team just to pry Smoot away from us. How could you spend $15 and you're not budging on the proposed $10 offered?
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Old 03-01-2005, 11:47 AM   #11
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Re: Rolle Is Wrong

Very true. That's why I love having about 100 different opinions on things. Everybody always has something valuable to add (normally).
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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