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Terri Schiavo

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Old 03-31-2005, 05:52 PM   #61
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Re: Terri Schiavo

I have no idea what Delay said today so I can't comment on that but as far as our judicial system goes I can say this: while the system is sound the implementation of said system has become a joke in this country. We have judges who no longer review cases based on law but rather make decisions based on political views and agendas. I don't happen to think this case was one of those situations as it seems all legal judgements were fair and within the spirit of the laws but far too many times we have to deal with activists judges. Cases like this only raise the profile of our judicial system and subject it to an appropriate level of scrutinization that we need to apply on a more regular basis.
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Old 03-31-2005, 10:01 PM   #62
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Re: Terri Schiavo

Originally Posted by NY_Skinsfan
Right now I am swaying towards Mr. Shiavo's side but if this were my daughter I would probably be the other way around. I don't think I could ever let my daughter just die. In fact, I know I would never let my daughter die if there was even the tiniest bit of hope.
i see what your saying, i am upset that i didn't see this thread till today and after she is dead but i still think it is nessasary to talk about it. I could never do this to a family member, but i can easily say she has the right to die, maybe a step back from an outside perspective is needed. I just wanted a little more time, a little more debate. i wish there was a way that they could have talked about it before it happened. Not to be insensitive but it could be done any time, now or 6 months from now i just think they should have talked about it a little more, but then again she was like this for 13 years and i am sure the family debated before. it is such a touchy issue
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Old 03-31-2005, 10:10 PM   #63
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Re: Terri Schiavo

Originally Posted by Daseal
The big question, in my mind, is whether or not she actually is suffering? I'm sure she's aware, but does she feel the pain?

If it we're me in her situation I'd want people to remove the tubes very soon. I simply don't feel that a partial recovery, which would be rare to none, would be worth the pain and suffering of my family for years upon years.

I agree with the majority of the posters that a living will is the only way to go. There's a time when you just need to let people go. I distinctly remember my whole family standing around my grandfathers hospital bed at Walter Reed, and just telling him it was okay to go. The next morning he passed away, and though we were sad -- we were also relieved that his suffering was over.
my family was in a similiar situation, my grandfather suffered a stroke and suffered brain damage and was paralized for over 13 years, it was horrible, i never really knew my grandfather and he would always be in an electric bed, when he passed i remember that we were also very sad but we were relieved that he didn't have to suffer. it is horrible, this issue is so complicated that there will never be a concenous.
I hope we all make our own personal decisions for ourselves of what we feel is right.
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Old 04-01-2005, 10:06 AM   #64
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Terri Schiavo

I don't particularly care for Delay and others' criticisms of the judicial system.

As for our judicial system being a joke - guess who's largely responsible for it? Not lawyers, not politicians, but you people (average citizens sitting on juries). So, an indictment of the judicial system almost necessarily involves an attack on the people.
It's sort of like looking in the mirror and saying, "hey, see that guy there, he's an a--hole."

As for "activist judges," I ask people what is an activist judge and they really can't tell me. When they do tell me what an activist judge is, typically, their definition is pretty lame.

Moreover, it's ironic that the Republicans (i.e. Delay) who always CRITICIZE "activist judges" were the very same people asking the judicial system to stick its nose into Terri's case.
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Old 04-01-2005, 02:27 PM   #65
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Re: Terri Schiavo

Originally Posted by Ramseyfan
I don't particularly care for Delay and others' criticisms of the judicial system.

As for our judicial system being a joke - guess who's largely responsible for it? Not lawyers, not politicians, but you people (average citizens sitting on juries). So, an indictment of the judicial system almost necessarily involves an attack on the people.
It's sort of like looking in the mirror and saying, "hey, see that guy there, he's an a--hole."

As for "activist judges," I ask people what is an activist judge and they really can't tell me. When they do tell me what an activist judge is, typically, their definition is pretty lame.

Moreover, it's ironic that the Republicans (i.e. Delay) who always CRITICIZE "activist judges" were the very same people asking the judicial system to stick its nose into Terri's case.

Here's the definition:
Activist judge-Any judge that doesn't rule in favor of conservatives.

If you do rule in their favor then you are a judge that "strictly interpreted the Constitution"
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