Originally Posted by hi-jinx
The chargers HAVE to trade down or draft someone else other than Eli. If they draft Eli and he holds out it would not be good for the SD front office. can you imagine wasting the #1 pick of a NFL draft? With the past draft mistakes the Bolt's fans may start a riot.
Could you imagine what would happen to manning's stock if he sit's out the year? And imagine if the charger's were in a position to draft him again next year, what would he do? If I am san diego and I can't get fair value for the pick, like the giant's holding out so that manning can force san diego's hand, then I would draft him regardless and say If you want him you have to pay, if not he either will sign with us or we will eat the pick and he can pound salt all year long, If this kid is the real deal there is no way he will sit out a year, if he does, I would really have to question his commitment to winning and his passion for the game, because that's what football player's do, they play football, I think they are just trying to scare san diego, and when push comes to shove either the giant's will step up, or manning will back down, but they will have to make all parties involved know that they are willing to draft manning and let him sit out if they have to, you have to fight fire with fire.