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Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

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Old 04-18-2007, 11:16 AM   #196
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

probably the most emotional i have gotten during this whole time is the story about the romanian-israeli professor who was a holocaust survivor. he was put into camp when he was just a kid and has already had to deal with so much in his life. his class heard the gunshots, so he barricaded the door with his desk to let his class escape from the windows 2 stories above. this man was 76 years old holding the barricade, and he died doing so to save their lives. RIP to him and all who died yesterday.

i attended the memorial, which brought everyone closer and helped to start the recovery process, i was about 10 rows back from the speakers which included president bush, governor kaine, and a very charismatic english professor who brought us to end the ceremony with us all chanting "lets go hokies" louder than ever. truely a special occasion and one i will never forget
Wow. The true epitome of hero!

It is my constitutional right to bear arms damn it! Some people like their freedom of speech, freedom of religion, I like to own weapons. Does anyone have to wait in a line fill out forms and get their background checked If they want to say something, or if they want to go to church and pray? No, but I have to if I want to go hunting or I want something for home protection.
First of all, let's put that whole constitutional right into perspective. This was written when you could be walking down the road and be attacked by a bear. When there were no police services, and most people needed a gun in order to eat. This is no longer the case. We don't need guns anymore. While I think the whole "gun in the home" thing is overblown. More kids die because of swimming pools than because of guns. However, there needs to be gun control.

When I was 17, a bunch of my friends and I got drunk. We decided hey, let's shoot those clay things you toss in the air (can't remember their names), so we drive to Wal-Mart, buy two guns, ammo, and a shooter for those clay things. I was 17, and within 45 minutes we had two firearms, a ton of ammunition, and we were drunk.

They need to lock down gun laws a bit, because most people don't need guns. Especially hand guns. They just aren't necessary. I can definitely see hunting rifles, etc. However, I'm not sneaking a hunting rifle anywhere.

There's nothing that can be done to stop people like the guy who shot up VT. It's just impossible, if they want to attack someone, guns are easy enough to find, and even easier to obtain with a little money. People like this, unfortunately, will always be very difficult to stop.
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:17 AM   #197
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Originally Posted by Bushead View Post
No offense, but I don't think the plays are that deviant as people say it is. It's just a lot of cursing.
Ok, maybe that's one of the problems that you can look at this and just think its a lot of cursing. So, that's what HIGHER LEARNING is now days. May I ask your age?
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:22 AM   #198
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

I don't think anyone said they were "good" plays. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts and took some of these liberal classes you're talking about and I have to say that there were some people who did stupid crap purely for shock value, similar to this kid's plays.

For ALL, not most, not some, but ALL of my professors took this type of stuff and thoroughly scoffed at it. Anyone can write something that's a metaphor for something else. It's all in the thought process, in the meaning behind it that makes it something creative and worthwhile. Basically, change the names in his pieces of crap, and it's nothing but a stupid story his twisted mind came up with.

In my classes, I've also seen plenty of artwork involving cursing, nudity and more that were actually very moving pieces of art.
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:25 AM   #199
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

With all due respect Daseal, the opinion of many of the second amendment is the right to "keep and bear arms" provides for:
feed ones self
protect the homestead
stand against a tyrannical government

As I stated in my other post, I would have no problem with some revision of the current laws, IF it really accomplish's something productive, and not viewed as another way to disarm the public. I think many (though not all) would share this view.
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:27 AM   #200
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
I don't think that its a federal law that non citzens can purchase guns its a state by state issue. No one can by a gun in NY so thats why I think its a sttate issue
Sorry, but that's incorrect. 18 USC 922 (g) 1-9 & (n) allows for aliens to purchase firearms. NY has different levels of permits and they do allow non-citizens to purchase. At minimum, the each state must require the applicant to provide proof of residency within the federal requirements. If the states choose to have an alien comply with additional restrictions, then they have that option, but they can't be less restrictive than the feds. We're taking about purchasing firearms here. It the concealed permit laws that prohibit non-citizens from carrying.
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:34 AM   #201
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:44 AM   #202
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

I have resisted posting anything on this issue until now. I am a VPI graduate from the class of '75.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering through this infamy in the Virginia Tech family. I am surprised that my feelings of 'family' for the Tech community are still this strong after entering the alumnus status so long ago. My prayers and support are with you. I am certain that my feelings are echoed just as strongly throughout our Tech family.

I am encouraged by the strength of spirit that I see broadcast over the media of our Tech students and their families, the acts of courage and heroism displayed by faculty and students facing chaos and peril, and the poise, discipline, and pride displayed under the most dire circumstances at all levels at this university.

I can't turn back time to change the events of Monday, I can't bring back our fallen, and I can't diminish the hurt. But I want you to know that I stand with you and will always keep alive the memory of those sacrificed in my heart.

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Old 04-18-2007, 11:48 AM   #203
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Originally Posted by Dogtag View Post
I have resisted posting anything on this issue until now. I am a VPI graduate from the class of '75.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering through this infamy in the Virginia Tech family. I am surprized that my feelings of 'family' for the Tech community are still this strong after entering the alumnus status so long ago. My prayers and support are with you. I am certain that I my feelings are echoed just as strongly throughout our Tech family.

I am encouraged by the strength of spirit that I see broadcast over the media of our Tech students and their families, the acts of courage and heroism displayed by faculty and students facing chaos and peril, and the poise, discipline, and pride displayed under the most dire circumstances at all levels at this university.

I can't turn back time and change the events of Monday, I can't bring back our fallen, I can't take away the hurt. But I want you to know that I stand with you and will always keep alive the memory of those sacrificed in my heart.

Nice post and we feel the same as you.
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:01 PM   #204
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Wow. The true epitome of hero!

First of all, let's put that whole constitutional right into perspective. This was written when you could be walking down the road and be attacked by a bear. When there were no police services, and most people needed a gun in order to eat. This is no longer the case. We don't need guns anymore. While I think the whole "gun in the home" thing is overblown. More kids die because of swimming pools than because of guns. However, there needs to be gun control.

When I was 17, a bunch of my friends and I got drunk. We decided hey, let's shoot those clay things you toss in the air (can't remember their names), so we drive to Wal-Mart, buy two guns, ammo, and a shooter for those clay things. I was 17, and within 45 minutes we had two firearms, a ton of ammunition, and we were drunk.

They need to lock down gun laws a bit, because most people don't need guns. Especially hand guns. They just aren't necessary. I can definitely see hunting rifles, etc. However, I'm not sneaking a hunting rifle anywhere.

There's nothing that can be done to stop people like the guy who shot up VT. It's just impossible, if they want to attack someone, guns are easy enough to find, and even easier to obtain with a little money. People like this, unfortunately, will always be very difficult to stop.
Tell my buddy that he did not need a hand gun when he was attacked on the street with his wife and child. Luckly he had his gun (legaly) and with the sight of the gun the attackers took off because they only had a knife. Maybe they just wanted his wallet and maybe his wifes purse but maybe something worse could have happened. If you look up crimes commited by people who have carry permits it is very very low. When I was in high school back in the early 80's guys brought guns to school hanging in gun racks in their pick ups. I can even remember checking out shot gun my buddy got for his birth day with the principle of the school. It was no big deal back then and it was not even an issue. I myself do not own a gun and do belive that a better back ground checks might help but I still believe if a person wants to kill they will.
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:02 PM   #205
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

I'm still undecided on this issue, but how come Britain has such a low crime rate with basically a law against all hand guns?
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:11 PM   #206
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection View Post
I'm still undecided on this issue, but how come Britain has such a low crime rate with basically a law against all hand guns?
You know I was thinking yesterday as someone pointed out that Europe and other countries that ban guns have a lower gun murder rate. Well that would make sense but it seems we never see their murder rate as a whole only the selective gun stats. It could be lower all around but I'd like to see the numbers.
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:12 PM   #207
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

I would too. If their stats are similar, I'd like to adopt a few of their changes, because it seems to work out well for them.
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:28 PM   #208
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Tell my buddy that he did not need a hand gun when he was attacked on the street with his wife and child. Luckly he had his gun (legaly) and with the sight of the gun the attackers took off because they only had a knife. Maybe they just wanted his wallet and maybe his wifes purse but maybe something worse could have happened. If you look up crimes commited by people who have carry permits it is very very low. When I was in high school back in the early 80's guys brought guns to school hanging in gun racks in their pick ups. I can even remember checking out shot gun my buddy got for his birth day with the principle of the school. It was no big deal back then and it was not even an issue. I myself do not own a gun and do belive that a better back ground checks might help but I still believe if a person wants to kill they will.
I'm not for or against gun control but there are just as many instances where not having a gun would have saved a life. Domestic disputes, teenagers getting drunk and playing with daddy's gun (personal tragedy in my life, actually), road rage, etc.

Once again, I really don't care what the legislation is or will be regarding gun control but I don't see how one can argue the merits for or against by recounting personal events that affected that situation only. The argument works for both sides.
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:33 PM   #209
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

Not sure if this was reported here but the NATS wore V Tech ball caps last night. I pulled mine out of the closet and have it on too.
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:33 PM   #210
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Re: Updated:At Least 33 Dead in Va. Tech Shooting

I have a rhetorical question, will owning a 9mm really prevent the government (which has just a few more and bigger weapons) from oppressing the peeps?
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