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Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

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Old 08-29-2007, 01:25 PM   #16
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

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“It depends on how you define “alone” … there were a lot of times when we were alone, but I never really thought we were.”

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There's such an uproar over a Senator getting caught in this and there SHOULD be, but where's all of the anger and disgust over the gay community having "hand signals" to request sex in the same public restrooms that you and our kids use? That's just nasty.
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Old 08-29-2007, 02:52 PM   #17
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

buster, you and your republican buddies are mad at Clinton for having sex with a woman? what about sex in bathrooms with guys? is this how your party rolls?
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:07 PM   #18
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Buster, the difference is those people cruising for sex are forced to do so because of people like yourself. They're embarrassed to come out because of what people at their job, etc will think of them.

There's also a massive difference between someone looking for sex, and someone that sits there and tells the gay community they're going to hell, etc etc then comes out and does the same thing. Hypocrites suck.
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:26 PM   #19
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
buster, you and your republican buddies are mad at Clinton for having sex with a woman? what about sex in bathrooms with guys? is this how your party rolls?
See, this is a big part of the problem many people want to judge everything based on the political party of the person involved. A President who has affairs, gropes and rapes is wrong whether it's a Republican, Democrat or Canadian Communist. This Senator's behavior is wrong too, no matter his party. HOWEVER, he'll be forced out (and deservingly) and it's all we'll read and hear about for a year but if a Democrat did it, the media wouldn't cover it and he'd be allowed to stay in office. Barney Frank is gay and has been cited for soliciting gay prostitution AND ran a gay sex ring gtom his own, so they gave him counseling and re-elected him. Ted Kennedy killed a woman and has enjoyed a long career afterwards. Robert Byrd was a KKK leader and is going on, what 60 years in office? However, a Republican can make a joke at a birthday party and be forced out of office (Trent Lott).

Right is right and wrong is wrong, until politics are involved.

I'm sickened by this perverts actions without even knowing his political party. I just wish everyone could have that reaction before checking to see how it hurts or helps their party...ESPECIALLY the media.
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:31 PM   #20
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Buster, the difference is those people cruising for sex are forced to do so because of people like yourself. They're embarrassed to come out because of what people at their job, etc will think of them.

There's also a massive difference between someone looking for sex, and someone that sits there and tells the gay community they're going to hell, etc etc then comes out and does the same thing. Hypocrites suck.
I agree with your last 2 words. However, 2 people guilty of the same thing are just as disgusting as the other, whether they've criticized the act or not.

And don't give me the "the poor gays are forced to do it in bathrooms" because of me is a PRIVATE thing no matter how or with whom you decide to do it with and it should STAY private. The government isn't raiding homes checking to see if people are having gay or straight sex, so there's no reason it should be done in a public place. Keep it in the bedroom. That's the main reason gays are discriminated against, because they feel they have to make everything public, whether it's by having parades or putting a rainbow sticker on your car. I don't have a "I like vagina" sticker on my car and if I did, it would be wrong and rightly removed. However, the guy in the car with the rainbow is advertising he likes gay sex, why the double standard? Oh yeah, we're afraid to offend them.
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:33 PM   #21
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Well I think you may have opened up the debate to a political discussion when you brought up Bill Clinton. And then, if you really wanted to convey that you don't think it's political, you wouldn't have brought up 3 Democrats just now.

Either way, you're right that the political party shouldn't matter here.
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:35 PM   #22
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by dall-assblows View Post
gotta love the people runnin our country.... ahhhhhhh.
Well, I am not defending what he did what-so-ever, but they are only human too.
Again, not saying I agree with what he did, but what applies to an individual does not always apply to the country as a whole.

We as a society are so quick to jump on our officials and try to find any flaw, I wish we spent that much time looking in the mirror!

That being said, it's pretty gross what he did. Although would I kick a gay elected official out of So what's the big deal?
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:40 PM   #23
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Well I think you may have opened up the debate to a political discussion when you brought up Bill Clinton. And then, if you really wanted to convey that you don't think it's political, you wouldn't have brought up 3 Democrats just now.

Either way, you're right that the political party shouldn't matter here.
Oh, I know there are plenty of Republicans who do bad things. But the difference is, the media runs it into the ground and they lose their jobs like they deserve to. I was citing examples of people who did horrible things and paid no price for it.

The political influence on right and wrong issues is disturbing.

I mention Clinton's name and everyone assumes I'm starting a political attack, but if I had voted for him, I'd be just as outraged and want his removal just because it is the right thing to do.

I also wonder, if Bill Clinton was involved in this scandal, I bet he'd be treated like a hero. "Look, he can do people of BOTH sexes!"

You're right, I did bring a political side to the discussion, but that's only because it's impossible not to since he's a public official. The political aspect was introduced in the FIRST post of this thread. There's no need to specify "conservative senator". He's a senator and he did something wrong. His voting record should not have a bearing on his punishment.
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:42 PM   #24
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Well, I am not defending what he did what-so-ever, but they are only human too.
Again, not saying I agree with what he did, but what applies to an individual does not always apply to the country as a whole.

We as a society are so quick to jump on our officials and try to find any flaw, I wish we spent that much time looking in the mirror!

That being said, it's pretty gross what he did. Although would I kick a gay elected official out of So what's the big deal?
Yes they're "only human", but if you're going to take on the task of running the country, you better be better than the average person. Weaknesses in character when you're in a position of power can lead to you and your job being manipulated by blackmail. Look at former Governor McGreevy of NJ, he ended up having to give a male mistress a job to keep them quiet and it still didn't work.
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Old 08-29-2007, 04:09 PM   #25
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
See, this is a big part of the problem many people want to judge everything based on the political party of the person involved. A President who has affairs, gropes and rapes is wrong whether it's a Republican, Democrat or Canadian Communist. This Senator's behavior is wrong too, no matter his party. HOWEVER, he'll be forced out (and deservingly) and it's all we'll read and hear about for a year but if a Democrat did it, the media wouldn't cover it and he'd be allowed to stay in office. Barney Frank is gay and has been cited for soliciting gay prostitution AND ran a gay sex ring gtom his own, so they gave him counseling and re-elected him. Ted Kennedy killed a woman and has enjoyed a long career afterwards. Robert Byrd was a KKK leader and is going on, what 60 years in office? However, a Republican can make a joke at a birthday party and be forced out of office (Trent Lott).

Right is right and wrong is wrong, until politics are involved.

I'm sickened by this perverts actions without even knowing his political party. I just wish everyone could have that reaction before checking to see how it hurts or helps their party...ESPECIALLY the media.
Barney Frank has been openly gay for years. I don't think he was ever in the closet for that matter. So his sexual orientation never ruffled any political feathers because people knew what they were getting from jump street. As for Senator Byrd, sixty years ago what politician didn't have racial attitudes toward other ethnicities or weren't flat out racist? Not many. I think it's more of a testament that Senator Byrd has survived and overcome his own racial impediments and changed over the years. He has, in no uncetain terms, openly talked about, admitted, and regretted that time in his life. I've read accounts where African-American members of Congress have had great interactions with Senator Byrd and didn't in the least bit feel slighted because of their color. He regrets that time in his life, and has moved on to become one of the most influential members of the Senate today. I won't touch the Kennedy incident because I'm not sure if it was an accident or murder. Some feel it was a cover up, and some obviously don't.

I think it's important to keep in mind context and timing. Some things are perceived to be more or less sensitive in nature depending on where and when they occur. For instance, if Senator Byrd were to walk down the street today with a white hood over his head, do you really think he'd still be a Senator? Of course not.

Conversely, Trent Lott should have known better by letting those comments, however unintentional, slip out in a day and time when the media loves to crucify public figures. Is Trent Lott racist? I don't know. But he gave them too much ammo, in the wrong setting at the wrong damn time. Had he said what he said in the back of his Lincoln, no one would give a rat's ass.

This Senator that got caught in the restroom yesterday, in my mind, is simply guilty of some indescretion. No one is out to get Republicans, by the way. This is the party that touts itself as the voice of the moral majority, the media didn't create that perception. So with that there is a certain amount of public scrutiny and sometimes undo judgement that goes with the territory. When a Republican party member gets caught in a moral jam, the media takes that perception and amplify it for us to judge.
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Old 08-29-2007, 04:14 PM   #26
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Yes they're "only human", but if you're going to take on the task of running the country, you better be better than the average person. Weaknesses in character when you're in a position of power can lead to you and your job being manipulated by blackmail. Look at former Governor McGreevy of NJ, he ended up having to give a male mistress a job to keep them quiet and it still didn't work.
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Old 08-29-2007, 05:34 PM   #27
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
LOL...then we're all skrewed, cause they're not!!!
I can't disagree.
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Old 08-29-2007, 05:47 PM   #28
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Any man who preaches one thing and practices another deserves whatever the mob dishes out, especially Republicans. Why especially Republicans? Because they preach morality and play the family values card to sell themselves.

I simply can't forgive liars and hypocrites. Only depraved people can do what Craig did. There is no reason why he on anyone like him should be allowed to continue is a position of authority.

BTW, I don't think this issue is a Republican vs Democrat issue though I do hold Republicans to higher standards when it comes to incidents like this.
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Old 08-29-2007, 07:11 PM   #29
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
I agree with your last 2 words. However, 2 people guilty of the same thing are just as disgusting as the other, whether they've criticized the act or not.

And don't give me the "the poor gays are forced to do it in bathrooms" because of me is a PRIVATE thing no matter how or with whom you decide to do it with and it should STAY private. The government isn't raiding homes checking to see if people are having gay or straight sex, so there's no reason it should be done in a public place. Keep it in the bedroom. That's the main reason gays are discriminated against, because they feel they have to make everything public, whether it's by having parades or putting a rainbow sticker on your car. I don't have a "I like vagina" sticker on my car and if I did, it would be wrong and rightly removed. However, the guy in the car with the rainbow is advertising he likes gay sex, why the double standard? Oh yeah, we're afraid to offend them.
Okay, I'm gonna put myself out there and say most of the people I associate with are gay people both men and women. And I myself consider myself as being a "open-minded female". Take it how you want it. But I have to say that NONE feel like they have to advertise themself as being gay. And for someone to basically outright say that Gay people set themselves up to be discriminated against is straight up stupid and a completely general answer from someone who obviously doesn't converse with many, if any gay people.

Most of the people I know don't scream out their windows that their gay. If someone asks, they'll tell them and leave it at that. Of course there's the yearly parade but who's that hurting? If a gay person wants to make it public knowledge that their gay, then who has a right to bitch about it? You don't have to like it, but don't make it seem like its their own fault that every now and then some sociopathic person flips out and kills some random gay person. The rainbow sticker doesn't have to mean that they're GAY. It could just mean they support gay rights. I mean just because there's some Black guy with his seat back, in a tinted pimped out car doesn't mean he's selling drugs or some street thug.

And on top of that, I know plenty of guys who wear shirts that says things like "I eat p*ssy" with a little cat tail hanging out the dogs mouth or whatever. And of course people kinda gawk but who cares what people say or do? If you wanted to put up a sticker that said you loved p*ssy. I wouldn't care and no one should because if you did, then you're really petty. Gay people aren't pushovers so if you got something negative to say about their lifestyle or who they are, I'm sure they won't care if you say it or not cause at the end of the day they're still going home to their respective partners.

I guess because I'm walking around with Brown skin, I'm setting myself up to get lynched as well eh? And don't give me that "It's-not-your-choice-whether-or-not-you're-Black" BS.

...Because look at Michael Jackson. Haha.

But basically this argument is exhibit A of profiling someone based upon how they act or look. Again, more reasons why people in society will never get along, busy pointing out everyone elses differences.
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Old 08-29-2007, 09:20 PM   #30
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Re: Senator Caught Trying to Solicit Sex in Men's Room

Did I hear correctly? Did Buster call Bill Clinton a rapist?

Clinton had sex with an intern who consented to the affair. I'm not huge on him having an affair on his wife, but I feel that's his personal business. It's when you start harping against that stuff and running your campaign on it, then do it that I have a real problem. If this guy didn't base his campaign around hating gay folks, then I wouldn't really care less.

No one seemed to care when Kennedy was banging out Marilyn Monroe on a regular basis.
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