The reason taylor looked disapointed is because the first call he recieved wasn't from us, but it was from cleveland. They originally tried to move up and take him with the giants pick but the browns didn't anticipate NY's want for Manning. I guess he didn't really want to go to cleveland and niether did Winslow. did any of you realize that if you look closely at winslows shoulder it looked like he had a redskins pin on before he was picked. If you didn't see that, I know you saw how happy winslow was when he had the skins hat on in that commercial. I think attitiude wasn't as much of a factor, however the postons were. Snyder doesn't like those guys, that had to play a role in it. If we would have went with Winslow it would have been a nightmare to get him signed before camp date especially with our cap constriants. Maybe next season we will be thanking the poston for playing a role in making the right draft choices and getting us a ring those bitches !!