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Legalize it!

Parking Lot

View Poll Results: Should marijuana be legal?
Yes 42 60.87%
No 27 39.13%
Voters: 69. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-10-2007, 05:29 PM   #46
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Re: Legalize it!

medically yes, recreational no. leads to bigger and worse things
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:30 PM   #47
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Marijuana also has many documented health benefits.

So I guess you're in favor of moderation? That can be done just the same with pot vs. booze.

I'm not hearing much of an objective argument from you on this.
The objective part of the argument is that while tobacco is terrible even in tiny amounts, and while booze is terrible in excess, at least the government profits from their sale, meaning they have more funds to put to use. People act like the government taxing these things is wrong; that makes no sense. If you are going to use substances that destroy your health, or in a manner that destroys your health, or negatively affects society around you, then you should have to pay for it.

So my argument is keep marijuana banned, unless the US and/or states can figure out a way to profit from it. We could use more schools, roadway enhancement, lower health insurance for those of us who lead healthy lifestyles, etcetera. If marijuana tax helps pay for it, then OK, I'll live with it. I'll have all the losers to thank for improved government services.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:33 PM   #48
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Southpaw View Post
Just curious Schneed, but are you a bible thumper? No disrespect, but the people that only see the black and white of the marijuana issue are usually very religious or military.
No I'm atheist/agnostic.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:33 PM   #49
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Legalize it!

I understand your arguments that: (1) marijuana should be illegal because of its ill effects on people and society; (2) that parents should not condone illegal behavior; and (3) that marijuana should be taxed if it is legalized. But I don't understand why people who smoke weed are loser idiots. You can kill brain cells in a lot of different ways and marijuana use is just one of them. Moreover, only people who use it to excess suffer from its ill effects. Smoking a joint once a month isn't going to do much of anything to you, other than make you hungry.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:39 PM   #50
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
Would you ever let your child drink any form of alcoholic beverage before they reach 21 (e.g., at a wedding, family function, X-mas, etc.)? Because if every parent who has ever condoned an illegal act is a bad parent, I'd say that 99.9% of all parents are bad ones.
No I wouldn't allow that.

And I think the reason that a lot of parents have is because when they were kids the drinking age was 18. Not many parents are letting their kids drink at 16, I would hope we all agree that would be extremely irresponsible. Many allow it at 19 or 20 though. I think it's based on how they were brought up.

And there's a fine line here with parenting. You might think it's OK for your 19 year old to booze up, and that's your opinion, and that's fine. If you want to let it happen, you have to look the other way, and make sure your child doesn't know that you're looking the other way. They have to see you as an enforcer of the laws of the land (federal, state, and local laws, as well as the household's rules). If they realize that you're allowing it to go on, you're sending them the wrong message.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:40 PM   #51
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I understand your arguments that: (1) marijuana should be illegal because of its ill effects on people and society; (2) that parents should not condone illegal behavior; and (3) that marijuana should be taxed if it is legalized. But I don't understand why people who smoke weed are loser idiots. You can kill brain cells in a lot of different ways and marijuana use is just one of them. Moreover, only people who use it to excess suffer from its ill effects. Smoking a joint once a month isn't going to do much of anything to you, other than make you hungry.
That's the part where I'm not rational or objective, I fully admit that. It's a personal aversion to it. It turns me off and I immediately lose respect for those who do it.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:44 PM   #52
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Re: Legalize it!

I think there are some very good reasons already mentioned here against legalizing weed:

1) Not a profitable industry for big business

2) How do you and can you detect large doses of intakes that would impair one's ability to operate a vehicle.

3) What ages should it be legalized for?

************************************************** *
Here's what I'll add to that list: Typically anything that's legal is used in excess. Generally speaking, we as humans tend to push the limits with things that are considered legal as opposed to those that aren't. So my concern right off the bat is, when and how do you draw bounderies on a substance that is legal.

The perception that goes along with being "high" or "stoned". I could be splitting hairs here, but someone that goes around stoned all the time could be considered cool. Usually teens wait until they're in a certain environment or setting before turning up the bottle and getting drunk. If we legalize weed, they'll blaze up right in the bathroom or parking lot and jet off to class.

Thirdly, people always seek ways to make what they have more potent. And here's what many aren't talking about. PCP was a "killer" drug during the 80s in D.C. If we legalize weed, we willing invite another host of illegal and underground supplements and activities to make it more powerful or to enhance one's high. You see where I'm going with this?
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:45 PM   #53
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
So my argument is keep marijuana banned, unless the US and/or states can figure out a way to profit from it. We could use more schools, roadway enhancement, lower health insurance for those of us who lead healthy lifestyles, etcetera. If marijuana tax helps pay for it, then OK, I'll live with it. I'll have all the losers to thank for improved government services.
But in terms of legality, other than the driving aspects, I don't see why it shouldn't be legal.

I'm not against taxing it, but I don't see that as being the deal breaker in your argument.

It frees up tons of resources to focus on heroin, crack, etc...

I think substances in moderation, such as food, alcohol, and marijuana increase the quality of living. The governments job isn't to restrict something that has little/no long term ill effects.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:47 PM   #54
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
You sound like you're going to be or are a good parent. I don't necessary adhere to the same philosophy as I think there are exceptions, but good post.
Thank you for the compliment, I can't think of a better compliment in the world. I've only got a 6-month old at this point, so I'm a ways from dealing with the drugs issue with her. Thank goodness.

I agree there are some exceptions and fine lines here and there. Like a 20 year old at his 26 year old brother's wedding, can he drink? There's certainly no handbook on being a parent and I should make sure I don't come across as preachy because each child needs to be handled differently in different situations. Being a good parent in the end probably just comes down to really thinking through the eyes of your child in each situation, relating to them, and determining what they need in their life.

If you've that 20 year old at his brother's wedding was an honor student and didn't get in trouble much growing up, then yeah, as a parent you probably can knock back a few with him. He's probably good to go in terms of respect for authority and stuff like that.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:51 PM   #55
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Re: Legalize it!

I don't buy the slippery slope argument as one that can honestly be used to oppose legalizing marijuana. First, the biggest gateway drug, if they exist, is alcohol. So, if you don't want to get the ball rolling in the first place, ban alcohol. Weed is usually just the second step in the chain. Second, I smoked weed as a teen, but I never had any compulsion whatsoever to use any "harder" drug and most of my friends felt the same. People who start using crack weren't made dumb by using pot, they used crack because they were dumb to start with.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:52 PM   #56
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Re: Legalize it!

Like a 20 year old at his 26 year old brother's wedding, can he drink?
I would think that, at that point in his life, if he hasn't had anything to drink, he probably will use the good judgement you imparted on him and not drink.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:53 PM   #57
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Thank you for the compliment, I can't think of a better compliment in the world. I've only got a 6-month old at this point, so I'm a ways from dealing with the drugs issue with her. Thank goodness.
You take time to think about what you're writing so you deserve compliments, even when I disagree with your position. And congrats re: the baby! I don't know how I missed that.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:56 PM   #58
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Re: Legalize it!

I am torn bewteen two polar oppiste feelings. The hypocrisy of certain things being legal and others not is not lost on me but I think it is wrong to use the "well he did it too" type defense. One wrong thing being legal doesn't mean the other wrong thing should be legal too.

On the other hand I am abig proponent of the US gov staying out of our business so a big part of me wants to say everything should be legal.

Ultimately though I think having drugs legal is bad for our society so I am cool with them being illegal.

So I'd say yes it should be illegal but so should everything else that does similar things.
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:06 PM   #59
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Re: Legalize it!

Originally Posted by RobH4413 View Post
But in terms of legality, other than the driving aspects, I don't see why it shouldn't be legal.

I'm not against taxing it, but I don't see that as being the deal breaker in your argument.

It frees up tons of resources to focus on heroin, crack, etc...

I think substances in moderation, such as food, alcohol, and marijuana increase the quality of living. The governments job isn't to restrict something that has little/no long term ill effects.
1) You can't test it to see how stoned is too stoned for driving.

2) The US climate is not as conducive to growing weed as South American countries. If legalized, we'd be at a competitive disadvantage to produce our own weed. We'd end up importing more of it from south America than we'd export, affecting the federal trade deficit. That's real bad for the strength of the dollar, and consequently that Sony Playstation (and all other foreign goods and services) will become more expensive. Sorry for the econ lesson.

3) It will be sold all over the place, increasing accessibility to youth who otherwise would be deterred. I know you guys were all able to score it, but believe it or not, there are a number of kids out there who were always a bit too afraid of getting caught by the cops.

4) Ciggarrettes and booze already have enough of a deleterious affect on our society. Tobacco increases the cost of healthcare for us all dramatically. More cancer, more heart disease, more emphysema equals higher cost of care. We all pay for it in health premiums. Alcohol results in rehab treatments, liver problems, fights, drunk driving deaths, gun accidents, all of which cost lives and money. We'll never be able to go back and ban these, which our society would be better off without - boon to standard of living notwithstanding. Why add another substance to the list?
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:10 PM   #60
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Re: Legalize it!

I think society sends an inconsistent message by profiting off of town drunks day in and day out, yet adamantly opposing marijuana legalization
(especially medicinally).

What exactly are we saying to the youth?

"It's wrong to smoke marijuana, even in moderation, but if you want to go down to the bar and have at it... knock yourself out."

That's damn confusing growing up, and probably why many lose faith in a lot of the reasoning the government uses.
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