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Old 05-30-2014, 09:18 PM   #676
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by skinsguy View Post
I would be more offended by the Cleveland Indians logo simply because it's turning their race into a cartoon character, where as the Redskins logo is not. To me, the Redskins logo looks quite honorable, and should be since it was the Native American community that provided the team with the logo.
Honestly if we could keep the logo, uniform, etc I would be more then happy to see the team name changed to Warriors.

Ironically enough it might just be trying to deflect attention but I remember asking myself when the name thing first came out isn't Chief Wahoo more offensive? Which is kind of like saying "Sure I called you an albino white man, I mean kracker, I mean European American, but that guy over there said that you guys have small roosters."

Fixed your link description brah. Yur Welc0m3.
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Old 05-30-2014, 11:29 PM   #677
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

it just seems like everyone that's super adamant about changing the name aren't actual native americans, but white liberals trying to get press/make a name/act like some white knight riding in.

the bullets name change happened because the owner wanted it to. DC had a high crime rate and a lot of gun-related homicides (and baltimore had always been near or at #1 in that stat too), and he didn't like that connotation with the team... for what i remember about it.
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Old 05-30-2014, 11:57 PM   #678
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
it just seems like everyone that's super adamant about changing the name aren't actual native americans, but white liberals trying to get press/make a name/act like some white knight riding in.

the bullets name change happened because the owner wanted it to. DC had a high crime rate and a lot of gun-related homicides (and baltimore had always been near or at #1 in that stat too), and he didn't like that connotation with the team... for what i remember about it.

Hypothetically, what in the world changes if the Redskins change their name. Do Native American's live in a better world, more accepting, with more advantages?

Do we change the way we see Native American's in the world, now that white liberals (no knock on liberals) have taken up their cause for them?

I mean- I just don't see the end game here. Calling a word offensive because it used to be a slur, just doesn't make sense to me. It's undergone amelioration. If we went through the lexicon and removed all the words that USED to be some sort of slur, we would have to re-write the dictionary.

At this point, it's a tired argument. I'm ready to just change the name and move on. I think this debate has been a slap in the face to the Native American's- who won't get their history back. It's like all the aid we give to these 3rd world countries. A little pat on the back, "hey guys, we care".

African nations don't won't our patronizing aid, they want us to invest into their economy and profit off their own success. I don't know... going on a bid of a tangent, but I just think this whole debate is nauseating. It's one thing if it were organized by a Native American constituency who found the word discriminatory.

I'm ready to change the name, and move on.
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Old 05-31-2014, 12:23 AM   #679
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

I really hope they don't change the name. I'm about as liberal as they can come but even I have a line. Doesn't Harry Reid have better things to do than let the Redskins name keep him up at night?

F outta here.
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Old 05-31-2014, 08:23 AM   #680
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Josh Gordon of Cleveland Browns caught speeding while passenger had marijuana - ESPN

this guy must not have a brain. dumbass
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Old 05-31-2014, 09:33 AM   #681
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Gordon's new jersey number.

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Old 05-31-2014, 09:48 AM   #682
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

i dunno, speeding and some pot isn't exactly a DUI or beating your wife. it's dumb and he should know better, but i'm not going to destroy the guy over it.
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Old 05-31-2014, 10:12 AM   #683
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
i dunno, speeding and some pot isn't exactly a DUI or beating your wife. it's dumb and he should know better, but i'm not going to destroy the guy over it.
im not concerned about pot in general, but to be facing suspension he needs to be smarter. This could affect his appeal process.
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Old 05-31-2014, 10:15 AM   #684
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

^^ No, it's not that bad and lots of folks in the NFL have done much worse. At the same time, the guy is a mega-million star talent and has already put himself at risk with drug issues. Why even be around it?

Given how much it is likely to cost him in the end, he better be getting some superstar quality weed. Seriously, just looking at it out to give you the munchies and cause you to start contemplating the incredible brilliance of whatever you happen to be thinking.
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Old 05-31-2014, 10:33 AM   #685
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Honestly if we could keep the logo, uniform, etc I would be more then happy to see the team name changed to Warriors.
"Warriors"? But then I'd be offended.

The Redskins name is obviously not intended to slur any group, or else the team wouldn't have given THEMSELVES the name.

It has an entirely new meaning nowadays anyway--it refers to Washington's NFL team.
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Old 05-31-2014, 08:25 PM   #686
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Reid is the last person that should be arguing for anything. He is essentially the lefts answer to Ted Cruz. Right now a significant portion of the internet is at risk for the sake of benefiting a company who can barely get their stock price over the $50 mark with a virtual monopoly and we're focusing on the name of a football team.

Comcast is Buying Our Democracy (And Harry Reid Doesn’t Care Because He’s Already Been Bought) | Washington Free Beacon
Then there are the campaign committees. Comcast donations to the Democratic National Committee and Democratic House and Senate committees total more than $1.8 million. And Comcast would certainly be short-changing its shareholders if it hadn’t bought off Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) as well. Don’t worry, they have.

Comcast is the fifth largest contributor to Reid’s campaign committee in the current cycle. The majority leader has received $76,550 from Comcast employees, and $23,000 from the company’s political action committees. He’s received an additional $101,350 from Comcast lobbyists and their family members. That includes $5,800 from Comcast lobbyist Waldo McMillan, a former Reid aide.

Oh yeah, there’s also the fact that Reid’s current chief of staff, David Krone, is a former senior vice president of corporate affairs at Comcast, and a former donor to Reid’s campaign. After joining Reid’s staff in 2008, Krone received a $1.2 million “severance” package from Comcast. More specifically, the company purchased Krone’s condo from him at a price well above the market value.

We already know that Harry Reid takes money from associates of the “un-American” Koch brothers. Now he’s willing to sit by and allow a giant cable corporation to buy our democracy, as long as they continue to fund his campaign/granddaughter’s trinket business. He might as well wear a Comcast insignia on his suit to denote its sponsorship.
Harry Reid Speaks Softly On Net Neutrality
Reid is the only Democrat who actually controls a chamber -- and thus the only one in place to block House action on net neutrality. But for now, and unlike many of his colleagues, he's mostly keeping quiet.
So in short this is Harry Reid on Net Neutrality, and this is Harry Reid on the Redskins name. (Note: Harry Reid is Shy Ronnie in these examples)
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Last edited by Dirtbag59; 05-31-2014 at 09:23 PM.
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Old 05-31-2014, 09:17 PM   #687
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by scowan View Post
I'm about to open a can of worms I know, but what native americans of TODAY have endured hardships. If they have and are its because of their own choosing. This is like the Black community continuing to blame their struggles on whites when we are 40+ years from the civil rights movement. By the way, I see a black man in the oval office. At what point do you "join" America and take advantage of the freedom to choose you own future and outcome based on your abilty and quit blaming others for your struggles. Its not a perfect world I'll give you that, but there is more opportunity to rise above your condition in this country verses any other I know, but it seems like many want to continue to put the blame on others for their "condition" instead of rising above it through hard work and effort. Ok enough soapbox for me.

Our Congress just wants to continue to find "victims" they can champion. If its not the Redskins it would be another "victim" group. Instead of bringing people together, they just want to make us all hate each other for votes. Its all very sad.

I appreciate your candor, but it does show that you don't have much insight into the complex legacy of racial issues in the US. The sad part is that most people not affected don't. I'm not white, black, or Native American - but I appreciate the history, and I've actually been to inner city neighborhoods and also to native american reservations. I won't change your mind in a message board, but I disagree on your views.

Few points:

1) Obama is as much white as he is black.

2) The financial profits for casinos on reservations are overstated (see article here. Only a few near major cities make substantial profits, and a good portion of Native Americans are still very poor and on welfare. You're essentially completely wrong.

3) Would everyone here be fine renaming the team "Rednecks", "Black Panthers" or "Jihadi's"? I think it's fair to say that a word or name can have powerful connotations to a subset of people. Redskins is such an old term, it has lost much of it's initial meaning, but let's be honest - the initial meaning was not something to be proud of..

Again, I'm actually fine keeping the name Redskins.. but I think the talk on this thread demonstrates the racial insensitivities that prove the other side's points..
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Old 05-31-2014, 09:56 PM   #688
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by ethat001 View Post
I appreciate your candor, but it does show that you don't have much insight into the complex legacy of racial issues in the US. The sad part is that most people not affected don't. I'm not white, black, or Native American - but I appreciate the history, and I've actually been to inner city neighborhoods and also to native american reservations. I won't change your mind in a message board, but I disagree on your views.

Few points:

1) Obama is as much white as he is black.

2) The financial profits for casinos on reservations are overstated (see article here. Only a few near major cities make substantial profits, and a good portion of Native Americans are still very poor and on welfare. You're essentially completely wrong.

3) Would everyone here be fine renaming the team "Rednecks", "Black Panthers" or "Jihadi's"? I think it's fair to say that a word or name can have powerful connotations to a subset of people. Redskins is such an old term, it has lost much of it's initial meaning, but let's be honest - the initial meaning was not something to be proud of..

Again, I'm actually fine keeping the name Redskins.. but I think the talk on this thread demonstrates the racial insensitivities that prove the other side's points..
I take it you have not had an opportunity to review Bruce's letter?
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Old 06-01-2014, 12:23 AM   #689
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

That letter was great, got it in my email the other day.. Thanks, Bruce.
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Old 06-01-2014, 03:31 AM   #690
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Re: Paintrain's all encompassing 'discuss all things offseason' thread (Version 2.0)

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
I take it you have not had an opportunity to review Bruce's letter?
Some people have honest intentions but as the saying goes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I feel others like Reid are using it to distract from other more immediate issues facing the country like in the case of Reid net neutrality, the Comcast-Time Warner merger, and the veterans affairs scandal.

Though as BA kind of pointed out with a lot of these Senators so many of them crying foul and willing to go to the mattresses to get the name changed yet for years many of them have been ignoring the more critical issues surrounding basic quality of life on reservations. Doesn't make our view right just that when someones house is on fire you don't focus on someone leaving the lights on.

Honestly if it were up to me I would have it where every Native American that has ever lived on a reservation and is at least 15 years of age be allowed to vote. If the vote comes 70% or more in favor of the team keeping their name then the team should be given a 25 year pass before another vote is held.

Not to sound crass but non-natives can be as offended as they want for Native Americans really the only thing that matters is how Native Americans as a whole feel about this issue. For me personally if more then 30% found the name offensive I would find that as reason enough to change the name. After all you can't just flat out ignore a minority view just because they don't have enough support though by the same token you can't be taken hostage by it either.

The saddest part through of this whole tragedy might be that if the Redskins can hold out past the midterm election that the issue could end up loosing significant momentum until 2016 which in the end would mean that a bunch of politicians were trying to collect votes for the midterm elections.
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