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90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

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Old 03-23-2005, 08:53 PM   #91
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Originally Posted by Daseal
Notice the ? mark, skinsfan? I said Arrington not there? If that's true, then he's a bad team leader (oh wait, he's a bad team leader anyways.)

Are you sure you're a Redskins fan? I mean, I don't mean to sound like I am flaming you or anything, but I hear more negative things from your post about our team and present players than positive. I mean, if you're that ill toward this team, why do you even pull for them? It's one thing to show cautious optimism about the team's progress, but it's quite another to sound as if you're hoping the present coaching staff and the players fail. Is it out of possible vindication for your boy Spurrier failing in the NFL? As much as you might try to deny it, all of us here can obviously see you don't want our present coaches to succeed. You call the rest of us Gibbs worshipers....but I can tell ya, even if Gibbs was fired tomorrow, I would still pull for the Redskins and support whoever inherited the coaching job. I did that with Petitbone, Turner, Shotty, Spurrier, and now Gibbs. In retrospect, I see who was cut out to lead this team and who wasn't, but I supported whoever was coaching until they left Redskins Park for good.

And the thing with Arrington, I just don't get it man. What is this illness toward Arrington? At least he appears to WANT to be in Washington..and I'm sorry, but as a fan, anyone who vocally states they don't want to be here shouldn't let the door hit them in the rear when they walk out of the 'Skins locker room. I don't feel sorry for them. I respect the guys who want to stay here and be a part of a system they believe in. I respect those guys that are willing to go through this journey to see where we wind up when it's all said and done. I don't wish anything bad on the players who have left, I'll always like Smoot, Pierce, and even Champ Bailey....because I think he's one of the best in the league. But, I'm not going to cry when they choose to go elsewhere, I am going to do my job as a fan in supporting the team, the players and coaches that are here right now and want to see this team succeed.

And as Coach Vermil has stated, coaches don't just coach players to be football players, but they coach players to be complete well-rounded individuals...these are the guys you look up to...these are the guys that will give you 100%. I say, let's hope that is what the current Redskins players well-rounded players.
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Old 03-23-2005, 09:06 PM   #92
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Originally Posted by RedskinRat
I'm up for it too. WR/CB, Old and slow and stupid.

I'm sure we could get local company to throw a small donation our way.

Riggo44, you'll play, right?
Seriously; they'd probobly cover it on the news and stuff too. Hell; maybe some of the players could officiate or somthing (theres no way I'm letting them risk injury). If we really started to try to plan somthing, we could make this thing pretty big and it would be a blast.
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Old 03-23-2005, 11:54 PM   #93
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

So because I'm hard on the coaching staff and not exactly happy with a lot of the goings on I should jump ship? That's called fairweather. I've been a Redskins fan before Spurrier, but I've always been a Spurrier fan. My dad went there when he was the QB, and I've always (had to) follow Florida football. I like a coach willing to take risks and who has some fun with this game, I don't think that's a crime like many do.

Am I hoping the team fails? That's just silly. How many trillions of times have I said I hope I'm wrong and even that I think Gibbs will turn the team around. I've said a million times that Gibbs is a great leader and a strong coach, his problems stem from his formations, playcalling, and clock management. All things I expect to be improved upon next year, though hoping, not expecting a huge change.

Gee, we paid LaVar how much and believe it or not he wanted to stay! Pay any player in the league that and chances are they'd want to stay an Arizona Cardinal. LaVar has a big contract to live up to, I doubt he can do it. He hurts our salary cap a whole lot more than any other player (except maybe Samuels now.)

Just because I don't look through rose colored glasses at our current teams, and I can see we have obvious lacking points, I promise you I don't want them to fail, or lose in any way. I'm yelling at my TV like everyone else, I'm disappointed for a week for a loss, and exstatic for a week with a win.

I'm always going to be pesimistic. I do like a lot of what we have on defense. LaVar is a spectacular player. The question is could we have filled his spot with someone who would be more of a solid player, and fill other big holes on the team? I think he talks the talk but doesn't always walk the walk. I'm not alone in thinking this, I assure you.

As far as Gibbs go, I don't want to, nor do I plan to, take credit away from Gibbs when he won all those games and three super bowls. That's an amazing feat for anyone. However, I think that we should look at him a bit different now. How many years are you willing to defer your anger because he won three super bowls. I'm a firm believer that part of being a successfull coach is being damn lucky. Not a large part, but a big part. He had great control over which players he wanted there and gone (much harder now) and had one of, if not the best GM in the game working hard for him.

Does this make me not a fan because I see we have lots of work to go? You think I care if Satan is winning us games on the sidelines? As long as we get to the playoffs again before I hit my midlife crisis, I'll be happy!

As for Vermeil's quote, I agree. I think Gibbs does that, without a doubt he does that. However, that's not my problem with him. It's the plays, clock management stuff on Sunday's I disapprove of as of current. As far as a leader of men goes, you couldn't ask for a better person. As far as offensive production, I can think of 29 other men who would be better.

When talking football with other football fans I often even defend Gibbs and company. Just because I speak so harshly on here doesn't mean I speak so harshly to other fans. I feel that people here seem to be a little too light on some people and too overbearing on others. Gibbs certainly has great qualities for a coach, I just feel much can be improved. I feel we'll be slightly better on offense next year, and slightly worse on defense. Which isn't equaling up to a lot of wins in my book.
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:30 AM   #94
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Originally Posted by Gmanc711
Seriously; they'd probobly cover it on the news and stuff too. Hell; maybe some of the players could officiate or somthing (theres no way I'm letting them risk injury). If we really started to try to plan somthing, we could make this thing pretty big and it would be a blast.
Anybody got a good contact number for the Redskins? Maybe joecrisp has some inside information...
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:31 AM   #95
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

I'm looking at some of the posts I missed, I think this thing could seriously happen if we started planning early before training camp...
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:36 AM   #96
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

I feel like we're always going in the same circles with this debate.

Of course Gibbs needs to improve, has anyone ever denied that?? Gibbs himself would be the first to admit he needs to improve. Let's move on from this already.

There's too much history with Gibbs and the Redskins to just dismiss his past accomplishments and say we should treat him like any other coach. He's not any other coach to Skins fans, he's Joe freaking Gibbs, the guy who is one of the best coaches in NFL history, and that's not even a debateable statement.

Sorry but with his legacy that is going to buy respect, patience and support from the fans, even if he went 6-10 in his first season back.
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Old 03-24-2005, 02:41 AM   #97
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

hey count me in for the football game thing!!!
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Old 03-24-2005, 03:39 AM   #98
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

me too, i'll add depth :P
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Old 03-24-2005, 09:26 AM   #99
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

I would say that right now most people are in a pretty centralized location, so it might make it easy to make it to somewhere in VA or MD. I'll put up a thread in the summer and see if we can actually organize this thing. Also, anyone who frequents the other sites might want to put a buzz out that we're trying to do this thing.
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Old 03-24-2005, 10:13 AM   #100
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

[QUOTE=Daseal]Who's memory is failing who? He currently has a 6.5M dollar greivance out because that great education he got at Penn State didn't teach him how to read a contract.[QUOTE]

Actually, that's what you pay your agent for. His agent has a duty to represent him in a competent manner. His agent failed. Have you ever hired an attorney? Does any of this sound familiar? If your attorney/agent looks over a contract and says "looks good, go ahead and sign it", how many people would say: "Wait a minute. I've only ever seen one or two contracts in my life, so I think I'm going to read this over myself and cast aside your opinion, Mr. Agent, who I'm paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to and who has seen about 1,000 of these things." Get real.
And if you want to compare academic educations, PLEASE send me a private message and let's go for it.

[QUOTE] WAAAAAH, I don't want to get into a 3 point stance Marvin Lewis, WAAAAAH. That remind you of anything? [QUOTE]

Seriously, you're kidding right? Not only DID he line up in the three point stance, but he did so as a LINEBACKER. He was asked to play a completely different position. See, on defense we have some guys that are called "linebackers" and some guys that are called "defensive ends". They are actually two different positions and they do different things. If you need further explanation, please send me a private message and I'll explain (and yes, this is dripping with sarcasm).
What do you think Coles would have done if Gibbs asked him to line up on the line and be a blocking TE? Oh wait, that's right.....YOU probably think he would have gladly jumped at the chance to help out his team........and you'd be alone, yet again.

[QUOTE]Also, here's a little help that will help you in every day life, PSUSKINSFAN. A question mark indicated a question. Arrington wasn't there? That was a question, I figured it was self-explanitory that I wasn't stating that as a fact. That ends with a ., maybe if you were on the football team they could have taught you that with their amazing standard of excellence. [QUOTE]

Hey, thanks Jacka$$. Now let me explain something to you Ivy-Leaguer (LOL!!). You next sentence ended with an exclaimation mark (it looks like this: "!"). That implies to the reader that not only are you stating a fact, you are stating it in an emphatic way. You see, from the beginning I took issue with your sarcastic comment about Lavar being a "great team leader". And that comment was (at least to the reader) based on your assumption that he did not show up to the workout. So, if you are calling Lavar a poor team leader because he did not show up, guess what, the support for your speculative comment is unfounded and unsubstantiated. In fact, it turns out your support was flat wrong. You made an assumption, followed it with an uncalled-for, unsupported comment, and now you don't want to fess up to the fact that you were wrong. That's fine, I understand that. After all it takes a bigger man to admit when he's wrong than to cook up a line of BS, so I expect as much from you.

[QUOTE]I'll give Arrington credit, he did get in their face. However, those moments from him are few and far between which is the problem.[QUOTE]

I'll take that. It's still more than Spurrier ever did.

[QUOTE] Moron Spurrier as you call him, had never coached in the NFL before. He treated the players like men (WRONG) instead of keeping a firm grip on them. Yeah, he played golf. Yet he scored more points per stayallnight Gibbs. Here's the problem, you can call him a failure all you like, that's fine. Charlie Casserly from the Texans said AFTER Spurrier was done here he'd love to have him as a coach. Sometime the situation simply doesn't fit. See Bellichek in Clevland.[QUOTE]

The Texans? LOL! Who wouldn't the Texans take as a coach?
And comparing Spurrier to Bellichek?....LOL!.....Now THAT'S funny! LOL

[QUOTE]Also, after Gibbs second year if we aren't any better I hope to see you call him a moron. Better all around team and still can't win.[QUOTE]

And all your dreams would come true

[QUOTE]Want to know why I stick up for Coles, here's the reason. Reports said that he went to Gibbs and tryed to set things straight, took notes during their meetings, and by his admittance felt better after the scuffle. That's when Snyder busted in and ruined things. Coles would still be our #1 receiver and we'd all be happy with it had the WP not leaked that story. I don't think Coles is a bad guy for wanting to leave DC, when he started out did he go through the media? No. The coach said anyone who wants out we'll accomidate. He asked the coach. That's about the best way you can do it.[QUOTE]

Great conspiracy theory there. And given your track record, I'm sure your opinion is based on well-supported substantiated facts and that these "reports" are all true.

[QUOTE]Though I'm not quite the GM you are, I have a slight feeling the team you put together would fail horribly too.[QUOTE]

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Old 03-24-2005, 10:14 AM   #101
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Thumbs up Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Originally Posted by skinsguy
Are you sure you're a Redskins fan? I mean, I don't mean to sound like I am flaming you or anything, but I hear more negative things from your post about our team and present players than positive. I mean, if you're that ill toward this team, why do you even pull for them? It's one thing to show cautious optimism about the team's progress, but it's quite another to sound as if you're hoping the present coaching staff and the players fail. Is it out of possible vindication for your boy Spurrier failing in the NFL? As much as you might try to deny it, all of us here can obviously see you don't want our present coaches to succeed. You call the rest of us Gibbs worshipers....but I can tell ya, even if Gibbs was fired tomorrow, I would still pull for the Redskins and support whoever inherited the coaching job. I did that with Petitbone, Turner, Shotty, Spurrier, and now Gibbs. In retrospect, I see who was cut out to lead this team and who wasn't, but I supported whoever was coaching until they left Redskins Park for good.

And the thing with Arrington, I just don't get it man. What is this illness toward Arrington? At least he appears to WANT to be in Washington..and I'm sorry, but as a fan, anyone who vocally states they don't want to be here shouldn't let the door hit them in the rear when they walk out of the 'Skins locker room. I don't feel sorry for them. I respect the guys who want to stay here and be a part of a system they believe in. I respect those guys that are willing to go through this journey to see where we wind up when it's all said and done. I don't wish anything bad on the players who have left, I'll always like Smoot, Pierce, and even Champ Bailey....because I think he's one of the best in the league. But, I'm not going to cry when they choose to go elsewhere, I am going to do my job as a fan in supporting the team, the players and coaches that are here right now and want to see this team succeed.

And as Coach Vermil has stated, coaches don't just coach players to be football players, but they coach players to be complete well-rounded individuals...these are the guys you look up to...these are the guys that will give you 100%. I say, let's hope that is what the current Redskins players well-rounded players.
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Old 03-24-2005, 10:15 AM   #102
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Thumbs up Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
I feel like we're always going in the same circles with this debate.

Of course Gibbs needs to improve, has anyone ever denied that?? Gibbs himself would be the first to admit he needs to improve. Let's move on from this already.

There's too much history with Gibbs and the Redskins to just dismiss his past accomplishments and say we should treat him like any other coach. He's not any other coach to Skins fans, he's Joe freaking Gibbs, the guy who is one of the best coaches in NFL history, and that's not even a debateable statement.

Sorry but with his legacy that is going to buy respect, patience and support from the fans, even if he went 6-10 in his first season back.
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Old 03-24-2005, 11:59 AM   #103
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Hey, hadn't been following this thread as it seemed to be deteriorating into a pissing match - But as for the tackle football game, Count me in! I'm to old, slow and fat to do much more than play line but I will gladly knock some butts into the dirt.

If you are serious about this Matty, perhaps you should start a new thread.
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:13 PM   #104
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

I'm definitely down for some tackle football. Just gotta go dust off the cleats and I'm ready to go.

A couple of Red Bulls and I'll look like Barry Sanders out there.
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:20 PM   #105
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Re: 90% of Skins at voluntary workout: Who do you think wasn't there?

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin
Hey, hadn't been following this thread as it seemed to be deteriorating into a pissing match - But as for the tackle football game, Count me in! I'm to old, slow and fat to do much more than play line but I will gladly knock some butts into the dirt.

If you are serious about this Matty, perhaps you should start a new thread.
That's the reason I've started suggesting something less volatile but equally as testosterone fueled.
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