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Obama Care

Debating with the enemy

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Old 04-15-2010, 02:58 PM   #1126
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
Communism, .
What are you squawking about now?
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Old 04-15-2010, 03:03 PM   #1127
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Re: Obama Care

I am repeating the conservative mantra communism communism communism. They don't like it when i say it all the time. I thought i was being enlightened to true freedom. I make conclusions that are irrelevant, just like them. I make stuff up just like them.
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Old 04-15-2010, 03:14 PM   #1128
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Thats about what liberals do.
"I'm not going to name individual Republicans,” Reid responded, “but I think it's very clear, as a result of the actions, since Obama was elected, that people want him to fail. Some have said so; others have just acted accordingly. And I think that as a result of what's been going on in the press the last few days, we know that there's a significant number of Republicans out there who want the president to fail."

and this is what the GOP does. remember, just say no
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Old 04-15-2010, 04:39 PM   #1129
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
Communism, that's conservatives favorite boogey man. I'm scared please take all my rights away and protect me from tehe boogeyman. Prolly haven't even been in this country three generations trying to tell the original 13 colonies natives what to do. You can go back to Europe now. Your calls of socialismwill do them alot of good.
Actually my family traces back to before the 13 colonies. So I guess I have plenty of right to say how I feel and please find any post I've made with the word socialism.
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:02 PM   #1130
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
"I'm not going to name individual Republicans,” Reid responded, “but I think it's very clear, as a result of the actions, since Obama was elected, that people want him to fail. Some have said so; others have just acted accordingly. And I think that as a result of what's been going on in the press the last few days, we know that there's a significant number of Republicans out there who want the president to fail."

and this is what the GOP does. remember, just say no
Funny, and the Dems voted Yes for evrything Bush or other Rep. presidents pushed. No, they did not and a NO vote means they do not want the bill passed so they want the president to fail on that bill. Is this really that hard to understand. We don't like the health bill so we do not support or vote for the bill. Its no different then the liberals who did not want Bush to pass the tax cuts and voted against them. Its called a play of words and by saying rep. want Obama to fail when really what they want is for him to fail on his liberal policies which is no different then liberals wanting a Rep. president to fail on their agenda.
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:31 PM   #1131
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Re: Obama Care

then why don't they come up with their own ideas? instead of blasting the health care bill, come up with an alternative. don't just say its a Democratic idea, and it stinks. i do not totally agree with the bill. but i hoping its a start, not the finish. the GOP has been talking about tort reform forever. this is probably where the issue should have started. they had 6 years of total control of everything under W. they could have passed anything they wanted to. did they accomplish anything in those 6 years?
"It's better to be quiet and thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt."
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Old 04-15-2010, 07:31 PM   #1132
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
then why don't they come up with their own ideas? instead of blasting the health care bill, come up with an alternative. don't just say its a Democratic idea, and it stinks. i do not totally agree with the bill. but i hoping its a start, not the finish. the GOP has been talking about tort reform forever. this is probably where the issue should have started. they had 6 years of total control of everything under W. they could have passed anything they wanted to. did they accomplish anything in those 6 years?
They did none of the things they're talking about now, other than pay lip service to tort reform.

Nope. Instead of working to eliminate ridiculous mandates, remove the barriers to allow the purchase of health coverage across state lines, make the cost of health insurance tax deductible, they added another entitlement.
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Old 04-15-2010, 07:52 PM   #1133
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by Beemnseven View Post
They did none of the things they're talking about now, other than pay lip service to tort reform.

Nope. Instead of working to eliminate ridiculous mandates, remove the barriers to allow the purchase of health coverage across state lines, make the cost of health insurance tax deductible, they added another entitlement.

Are you a supporter of the Republican party or their base of operations the TEA party movement? IF so I wanted to say that those are some very good proposals. They should be included in the bill. THIS IS A SERIOUS post "queue for a good tramp diss" .

One question, and this is a rhetorical question. (So tramp can keep up

This is why you guys can not be trusted. You have all the solutions to the health care problem and choose not to share this with the country. Choose not to participate in a very serious new bill. Choose a strategy as insurgents (Who the hell came up with that image?), this is not Iraq. This is the country you want to lead. That leads to the real question, if you guys were in charge where would you lead us? (oops that was rhetorical) Return us to the rules of 1776 with the technology of 2010? Let you guys shape the future when we know you had all the answers all along and you left the American people to suffer. Are you punishing us? You choose not to listen or give your plan, yet I should trust you to lead me? The last president was Bush, he started with a budget surplus and he ended with record deficits. He let the twin towers fall. He let thousands drown in New Orleans, he could not catch a 70 year old man on kidney dialysis, he got on national TV and announced he was removing over 700 million dollars out the treasury to give to Wall Street, the worse recession since the great depression, the space shuttle blew up (bad luck factor evidence), Cheney shot his homeboy in the face, Israel's 1st defeat (Condi was pulling the UN levers), Sunami killed 100's of thousands, 8 million jobs lost, etc.
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Old 04-15-2010, 10:48 PM   #1134
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
Are you a supporter of the Republican party or their base of operations the TEA party movement? IF so I wanted to say that those are some very good proposals. They should be included in the bill. THIS IS A SERIOUS post "queue for a good tramp diss" .

One question, and this is a rhetorical question. (So tramp can keep up

This is why you guys can not be trusted. You have all the solutions to the health care problem and choose not to share this with the country. Choose not to participate in a very serious new bill. Choose a strategy as insurgents (Who the hell came up with that image?), this is not Iraq. This is the country you want to lead. That leads to the real question, if you guys were in charge where would you lead us? (oops that was rhetorical) Return us to the rules of 1776 with the technology of 2010? Let you guys shape the future when we know you had all the answers all along and you left the American people to suffer. Are you punishing us? You choose not to listen or give your plan, yet I should trust you to lead me? The last president was Bush, he started with a budget surplus and he ended with record deficits. He let the twin towers fall. He let thousands drown in New Orleans, he could not catch a 70 year old man on kidney dialysis, he got on national TV and announced he was removing over 700 million dollars out the treasury to give to Wall Street, the worse recession since the great depression, the space shuttle blew up (bad luck factor evidence), Cheney shot his homeboy in the face, Israel's 1st defeat (Condi was pulling the UN levers), Sunami killed 100's of thousands, 8 million jobs lost, etc.
Worst post of all time . Blame America < bush > for 9-11 ?? The CIA and FBI directors were Clinton appointees . The intel angency's were hampered by another Clinton Appt. ...American Thinker: Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick who along with fellow Clinton appt. commited accounting fraud at Fannie and AIG ....False Signatures Aided Fannie Mae Bonuses, Falcon Says ( In Sept. 2003 the Bush admin. had reg's on capitol hill New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - only to have dems like M. Waters kill the reg reform ... and Clintons Tres. Sec , running Citi and .....Robert Rubin returns - Eamon Javers - ... so you can see the facts point to Clintons admin ... they signed the bills into law , CRA / Subprime Lending / eliminated the glass-steagal act , ran our banks , GSE's and had Frank and Dodd running the house /senate finance committee's ,,,,,, facts , facts , no hope in dope Oh and if you did not know this , as far as Katrina , only the States Gov. can order an evacuation , which she declined to do , nor would she accept the help of the Nat. Guard .... offered by the the Bush Admin. Facts , facts .... no hope in dope
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Old 04-16-2010, 08:37 AM   #1135
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Re: Obama Care

I'm sure you guys will find a way to be upset about this too...

Obama: Hospitals Must Grant Same-Sex Visitations
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Old 04-16-2010, 09:05 AM   #1136
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by budw38 View Post
Worst post of all time . Blame America < bush > for 9-11 ?? The CIA and FBI directors were Clinton appointees . The intel angency's were hampered by another Clinton Appt. ...American Thinker: Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick who along with fellow Clinton appt. commited accounting fraud at Fannie and AIG ....False Signatures Aided Fannie Mae Bonuses, Falcon Says ( In Sept. 2003 the Bush admin. had reg's on capitol hill New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - only to have dems like M. Waters kill the reg reform ... and Clintons Tres. Sec , running Citi and .....Robert Rubin returns - Eamon Javers - ... so you can see the facts point to Clintons admin ... they signed the bills into law , CRA / Subprime Lending / eliminated the glass-steagal act , ran our banks , GSE's and had Frank and Dodd running the house /senate finance committee's ,,,,,, facts , facts , no hope in dope Oh and if you did not know this , as far as Katrina , only the States Gov. can order an evacuation , which she declined to do , nor would she accept the help of the Nat. Guard .... offered by the the Bush Admin. Facts , facts .... no hope in dope
Don't even try the subprime blame game. Most foreclosures were people with multiple mortgages. You had people with 6 or 7 mortgages, counting on rising housing prices to make a profit. These are the people who can walk away, because they have homes. There were a few that defaulted, and this was their first home and only home, in those cases it wasn't the subprime mortagage. Beazer homes had people (couples) defaulting on 700 dollar a month mortgages (drug problems). Blame greed and speculation. The reason they had to make subprime mortgages "oh yeah, remember Bush's reelection campaign (Ownership Society)". Democrats had congress for 2 years, republicans for 6. None of their magic cures for america's ills were implemented. Atleast THE democrats can implement an agenda. Ownership society was a money grab plan, they made no stipulation about how many or who gets the subprime loans. They figured two years was all they needed to sell the homes. So they bought many mortgages. Dumbasses built too many houses and market forces forced prices down. Foiled again!!!! The rest is history, first black president etc.
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Old 04-16-2010, 09:26 AM   #1137
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Re: Obama Care


example Miami housing market :

Most mortgages that defaulted were those without nay tenants. Notice all the condo's without nay residents that went belly up!! The risk in subprimes came from people gambling, if I pay a fraction of the mortgage for two years the housing prices rise and if I can sell the house before my mortgage resets to a higher amount I make a profit. subrpimes allowed some people to over extend themselves, copycats begat copycats.
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Old 04-16-2010, 10:51 AM   #1138
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
Don't even try the subprime blame game. Most foreclosures were people with multiple mortgages. You had people with 6 or 7 mortgages, counting on rising housing prices to make a profit. These are the people who can walk away, because they have homes. There were a few that defaulted, and this was their first home and only home, in those cases it wasn't the subprime mortagage. Beazer homes had people (couples) defaulting on 700 dollar a month mortgages (drug problems). Blame greed and speculation. The reason they had to make subprime mortgages "oh yeah, remember Bush's reelection campaign (Ownership Society)". Democrats had congress for 2 years, republicans for 6. None of their magic cures for america's ills were implemented. Atleast THE democrats can implement an agenda. Ownership society was a money grab plan, they made no stipulation about how many or who gets the subprime loans. They figured two years was all they needed to sell the homes. So they bought many mortgages. Dumbasses built too many houses and market forces forced prices down. Foiled again!!!! The rest is history, first black president etc.
Please provide some data to back that. You really should read up on stuff because you have no clue what your talking about.
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Old 04-16-2010, 11:35 AM   #1139
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by jdlea View Post
I'm sure you guys will find a way to be upset about this too...

Obama: Hospitals Must Grant Same-Sex Visitations
From that article:

J.P. Duffy, vice president for communications at the Family Research Council, said Obama is pandering to a radical special interest group.

"There are many other ways to deal with this issue, whether through a health care proxy or power of attorney, through private contractual arrangements. We have no problem with those situations," Duffy said, "but the fact here is that this is undermining the definition of marriage."
How? A sick, or terminally ill patient wants to be with their partner and that's 'undermining the definition of marriage' ??

I'm so damn sick of the nutcases at Family Research Council I don't know what to do. If only the writer of that article would have told this douchebag Duffy to bury his nose in his bible if he wants to but leave everybody else the F alone.
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Old 04-16-2010, 11:39 AM   #1140
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Re: Obama Care

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
What did I tell ya? These fools think health insurance is a human right.'s not, it's a privelage, and should be treated as such.

what's the point of working to get ahead in this society, you'll just get taxed so much it's pointless. If you live on welfare you are making more than minimum wage...and that is ridiculous.

Now I don't mind it if people need help and need the hand up, but I just wish the gov't would make them do something. Could you imagine if you had to go scrub toilets to pick up your gov't check, how many people would be looking for employment at the local mcd's?
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