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Not enough protection for Campbell along with Campbell's inexperience=offensive woes

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Old 12-04-2006, 04:03 PM   #1
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Not enough protection for Campbell along with Campbell's inexperience=offensive woes

This has been mentioned in several threads across the board, but I thought it was important to organize the thoughts. I feel that the offense struggled to be consistent because of two main things.
After the first quarter it seems that the Falcons figured out how to stop our offense, pressure JC. After a while they figured out how to stuff the run, and forced us into passing downs. It seemed like on every passing play, especially 3rd and longs, they brought the house, and JC looked like a deer in the headlights.

Not adjusting to this was Saunders biggest mistake IMO. He should have changed things so that JC would have more protection when passing, especially on third downs.

He also ran play action way too much, and JC was getting hammer right after he faked the handoff. I understand why he did that, seeing that we were running all over them. But after a couple failed PA passes, he should have tried to straight pass to give Campbell more time. Of course this isn't all his fault, because Campbell is a young QB, and even he has admitted it takes him a while to make his reads. Either way, Saunders should have adjusted based on Campbell's skill level.

It seems like everyone is ready to blame Gibbs/Saunders when Campbell didn't have a great game. Of course we shouldn't expect him to be amazing, but that doesn't mean we absolve him of all blame. He had three basic errors.

a)His selection of passes were very predictable, and almost Brunell-like. He went Moss nine times I think, going 7-9. While his percentage with other recievers was quite low. Cooley did drop a few, so that is not Campbell's fault, but other passes were simply bad. They were off target, low, etc. Some of this is due to pressure but some are just a young QB's errors. He threw to a double covered Moss once, when he wasn't under pressure.

b)Campbell took too many steps back, instead of releasing quickly. This is a combination of the playcalling and Campbell being uncomfortable. Saunders should have told him to do quick three step drops, but at the same time if he isn't yet comfortable doing so, how can Saunders force him to? I think he is taking 7 step drops because he is still young, and he feels he needs time and space to read the D. 2-3 step passes may be a bit too quick for him.

c)The windup. Yes I said it. He takes a bit too long to release the throw. I expect this to be changed in the offseason, and I don't expect or want it to be fixed now. JC is just throwing how he feels is best. Nevertheless, the extra half second it takes him to windup can easily be the difference between a TD and a sack.
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