Originally Posted by skinsWill
Well neither was OJ...
This last incident in Arizona is petty. a speeding ticket and being "impaired to the slightest degree" they could say that if he admitted hed even been to a bar. Who gets into trouble with their job for getting a speeding ticket?!?! Granted, his previous charge for the guns does say something about him, at least he didnt use them on anybody. But dont we have the right to bare arms in this country? I know they should have been registered. But compared to Pacturd and Henry... this is not even in the same range of problems.
Petty or not when you're already on thin ice with the league and with the legal system it makes any offense a significant one. The guy just doesn't get it at all. I'm amazed that some people would want this guy. Would you want to work with a guy like this?