Originally Posted by FRPLG
I will not lower my expectations. I will change them. I expect these guys, these friends of Sean's, to honor him by playing the games their lives. I am not talking about winning games here. I am talking about effort and pride. I expect this team to display a sense of pride and emotion that we have never seen before from them. I expect them to lay everything out and show everyone how much they care about this game. If at the end of these upcoming games I can look at them and know that they did everything they could. That they did what Sean would have done then win or lose I will be proud of them.
That's very easy for you to say. But the players probably don't want to play at all. The guys that were close to him probably can't wait for the season to end so they can heal.
I don't know about anyone else but I really don't care about the rest of the season.