01-04-2014, 07:08 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 1,035
Re: The Redskins Head Coach job is the best opening available
Originally Posted by Mechanix544
anyway, i guess I can explain myself like this
Marijuana (small time drug) = Special Teams coach
Black Tar Heroin (BIG TIME) = NFL Head coach.
Now how many people the day after they light up a joint jump STRAIGHT into Black Tar Heroin infusions? Usually, its a gradual process, hence the name gateway drug. ST coach is usually a forebearer to another positions coach, coordinator, maybe then a college coach, then the Black Tar Heroin. Check all the above names you listed, and see how many went from ST with ZERO coordinating (offensive or defensive) or HC experience (lower level) to an NFL top job. I'd put money on none of them, but I may be wrong.
Mike Shannahan was on heroin and Burns was smoking blunts. Explains the season perfectly.