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Old 02-29-2004, 08:11 AM   #16
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Arrow nfl sunday ticket is the way to go.

the upcoming 2004 season will be my 5th year of nfl sunday be honest,i do'nt know who i ever went without it.i got to see a good game every week,regardless of what was on locally.if you love watching great football,there is no way you can't get it.if i depended on my local channells i would have to watch the panthers and the game of the week
most of the time.that is why
it's me,bigredskinfan63
"the sea was red and the sky was grey,wondered how tommorow could ever follow today
always remember ladies and germs-THE COWBOYS SUCK
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Old 02-29-2004, 12:06 PM   #17
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You have most of the arguments nailed down for why the NFL wants to think about these changes. Do you work in the broadcasting business?

The NFL thinks putting the Super Bowl and at least one week of playoff games in Feburary is a great idea because of the ratings sweeps in that month. However, the networks might not be nearly as enthusiastic since they will only get the Super Bowl once every three years and so they could get slaughtered in the ratings two thirds of the time. And February is a slow month for sports "stuff" anyway. What the NFL probably wants to do is to have the "open weekend" in the playoffs coincide with the Daytona 500 so that they don't lose viewers there. That is the only sporting event in February that is even close to being competitive with the NFL. The Iditarod starts in February; that could be a problem...

The starting time issue for MNF is also a ratings issue. On the East Coast it would be ideal to start the games at 8:00 and have them end before midnite. That's a benefit for TV viewers and a REAL benefit if you are actually going to one of those games. However, 8:00 Eastern Time is 5:00 Pacific Time and so people from California and Oregon and Washington are just getting out of work at that time. The NFL and the networks are not pandering to these people due to some sense of entitlement out west. The NFL and the networks realize that if they are in their cars stuck on a freeway somewhere, they are not in front of their TV sets. And that makes for lower ratings and lower ratings makes for lower advertising rates and lower advertising rates makes for lower bids for the rights to to MNF. This is a money issue pure and simple.

The suits at the NFL love the idea of Thursday Night Football. Most of the coaches hate it. Guess who will win that tug of war.

Someone wanted to know why the NFL did not consider Friday or Saturday Night football. The reason is the Congress of the United States. There is a reason why NFL games don't appear on Saturdays until mid-December and that is NCAA football. The Congress got upset when the NFL put a game on Saturday about 40-50 years ago and it competed with college football. Basically, Congress said that they would consider that to be predatory and might have to demand some anti-trust sanctions against the league. In passing they also mentioned how Friday nights were traditionally "reserved" for high school football and that the NFL should not consider that move because the Congress would take the same dim view of that. Bottom line: If you want Friday/Saturday Night NFL Football, write your Congressthing.

You want to know who is more in favor of Thursday Night football than anyone - but you won't hear a peep out of them? The Sports Books in Las Vegas would love this. If the Cardinals and the Chargers were on Monday night - by accident of course - it would handle at least twice and probably four times as much money as that game would handle on a Sunday. Only the premiere games can do as big a number on Sunday as they do on MNF. so the books would love another exclusive national game because there are LOTS of goofs out there who can't watch any game without having a bet on it. Generally, those goofs are also called losers.

The best way for a team to have good TV announcers is for the team to win. The Redskins used to get Summerall/Madden all the time; now they are lucky not to have Jerry Glanville in the booth. You'll hear the best announcers when you are one of the best teams. Makes no difference what network has the games, you just need to follow the old Al Davis adage: Just win, baby.

Finally, my idea - which I sent to the NFL and to ABC/ESPN in a letter last Fall - seems not to be in the package yet. I think there should be a Thanksgiving Night game. I'd pick a traditional rivalry within a division so that the teams are guaranteed to play each other every year and then put that game on Thanksgiving Night and rotate the home team. I got back a nice form letter from the NFL; I never heard from ABC; ESPN said that they got lots of people sending in ideas but that they found mine intriguing and would consider it as part of their long term programming strategy. Translation: IF it ever happens, it will be their idea.
The Sports Curmudgeon
But don't get me wrong, I love sports...
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Old 02-29-2004, 01:05 PM   #18
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I agree with the Thursday night games. More football on tv is always a good thing. I'd rather leave the season alone though. Playoffs after Christmas is like another Christmas present!!!
I was stationed on the east coast for several years and hated the late start times (hardly ever saw the end of a game, unless it was the Skins of course). Now I'm usually on west coast time (AZ) so I love the start times. To give you guys a break though, why couldn't they move the start time to 8 and show the game on a 1 hour delay out here so it starts at 6. As long as they wouldn't cut anything from the telecast.
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Old 02-29-2004, 01:06 PM   #19
Thank You, Sean.
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Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon
Finally, my idea - which I sent to the NFL and to ABC/ESPN in a letter last Fall - seems not to be in the package yet. I think there should be a Thanksgiving Night game. I'd pick a traditional rivalry within a division so that the teams are guaranteed to play each other every year and then put that game on Thanksgiving Night and rotate the home team. I got back a nice form letter from the NFL; I never heard from ABC; ESPN said that they got lots of people sending in ideas but that they found mine intriguing and would consider it as part of their long term programming strategy. Translation: IF it ever happens, it will be their idea.
That is a very interesting and very intriguing idea, which I like very much. I mean think about it, who really goes out on thanksgiving night. You spend the day with your family, watch the ball games and just go home or maybe to the occasional friends house. No matter what, ussually your going ot be infront of a tv. Thats a really good idea, imo, plus its one more game to pull in monster ratings for the NFL.
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Old 02-29-2004, 01:33 PM   #20
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having a game like that would be awesome in every since of the word.if they do that,i hope they put it on one of the networks as opposed to just cable,so everybody can have a chance to see it.
it's me,bigredskinfan63
"the sea was red and the sky was grey,wondered how tommorow could ever follow today
always remember ladies and germs-THE COWBOYS SUCK
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Old 03-01-2004, 12:14 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by johnnyredskin63
acoording to today's usa today the nfl is considering moving back the start of the season
Definitely a ratings ploy...I'd rather see training camp moved back as well...limit preseason to 2-3 games starting in the last week of August...with the season starting around Sept. 15. That would put the Super Bowl in February...

Originally Posted by johnnyredskin63
pushing kickoff times back an hour
kickoff times don't matter much to me...again ratings ploy. I like the kickoff times as they are now...I would move the Sunday night and Monday night games back to 8...West Coast would have a problem...someone made mention of a tape delay...that would have worked about 10 years ago...however in this day and age of 24 hours sports, that would be incredibly difficult.

Originally Posted by johnnyredskin63
moving the monday night game back to thursday night.
Meaning no Monday games, but Thursday games...I'd be all for that. I actually don't watch too many Monday night games, and would be more inclined to watch games on Thursday nights...

Originally Posted by johnnyredskin63
they have also indicated that fox and cbs pick games from both conferences to show on sunday,no more nfc and afc only networks.
this is probably more asinine than anything else...meaning less and less ratings for the weaker matchups, including powerhouse v. basement dweller. I like the fact that I can watch the NFC on Fox and the AFC on CBS...If you want ratings, allow the networks to have say on which games they show...

What would be ideal (but won't happen) is to set up a satellite feed of the two radio broadcasts, so you can choose who to listen to, whether it be the TV, one team's radio broadcast or the other...the network wouldn't like that, but they would then be more pressed to find better talent to broadcast their games. IMO, the best broadcast team was Dick Stockton and Matt Millen...with Moose Johnston there now, the Stockton team is usually one of the better ones. I can't stand Buck, Aikman and Collingsworth...I wish they would pair Aikman with someone else...Aikman is wasted in that booth.

These are all just ratings ploys, pure and simple. I like the setup the way it is, and would root for no changes...
Bad Things man, I mean bad things...

“WE TOOK HIM IN THE SIXTH ROUND SO WE'RE NOT SMART EITHER.” - Shanny on what the Skins saw in Alfred Morris
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