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My return and thoughts on the season.

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Old 01-01-2007, 03:52 AM   #16
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Re: My return and thoughts on the season.

You are officially the Jay-Z of the warpath Daseal.
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Old 01-01-2007, 05:03 AM   #17
That Guy
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Re: My return and thoughts on the season.

what went really wrong:
-archuleta ($30mill personal punt protector!)
-lloyd (one big play, then he dissappears)
-duckett (a big back that doesn't run people over... great)
-wasting draft picks
-horrible cap situation
-letting glue guys go (clark, harris, stoutmire)

what went wrong:
-carter (average, but paid like a supertar)
-clashing coaches

what went right?
-one high draft pick (#5?)
-offense looks better
-todd wade was a good sixth man on the OL
-betts signed sorta cheap (could have saved 4mill if they signed him earlier)
-special teams (blocks, returns, especially coverage).

We're deep against the cap, and to move forward, we'll have to let guys go. I had a bad feeling about the guys we brought in this year (except for fauria, who turned out to be either injured or washed up, and todd wade, who's a grade-A backup tackle). moving portis, brunell, archuleta, lloyd, wynn, etc to clear cap room would be nice, but the bonuses prevent moving everyone at once . Carter is incomplete as a DE, since he can get pushed around so easily (freeney has the same issue vs the run, but freeney is crazy fast and a better player), however, he's probably got to stay since he's sort of produced.

dockery should be resigned, but he's going to be much more expensive now. Once we opted not to use our #2 or #3 pick on an OG last year, he should have gotten an extension. We don't have a #2 or #3 this year to draft a guy with, so re-signing him is probably the best option.

rogers had two good games, and i don't think he'll ever be as good as springs in coverage or tackling (or catching). he's okay, he's cheap, but we need more depth at db. Getting Prioleau back and the two safeties we picked up should help.

I do like how the playcalling/offense is starting to work (run, run, bomb). Hopefully it improves for next year and we get the defense fixed.

free agents/draft?
last year i really wanted DE kampman and WR wayne, but neither made it to the market .

I'm still up on adam gaines (DE). Trading down might be worthwhile, but it depends entirely on which players are going at those spots. the best DE (short term) from last year was kiwanuka, down in the late first round, so it might be possible two get two quality starters out of that pick, so long as your not passing up a superstar in the process.

the biggest FA name this year is clements, who is very good, but probably gets 7.5mill a year... swapping out springs would get you younger and less injury prone, having both would be even better, but i don't think it'd leave you enough money going foward. Smoot might be cheap and available after a terrible year in minnesota, which would be a huge upgrade...

re-signing wade for another year of backup duty would be a good idea too.

LB - we need at least two signing, one mid level starter, one depth. there''s lots of FA LB depth in that range this year, but its a must.

Portis IS much better than betts, but price/production-wise, it'd be worth seeing what would be offered in a trade. If you can get a mid first round pick, it'd be worth considering.
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Old 01-01-2007, 05:05 AM   #18
That Guy
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Re: My return and thoughts on the season.

LDS is still involved in negotiating deals with players right? maybe that's why everyone we sign is so vastly overpaid compared to market price/performance deals...
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