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Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

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Old 05-06-2009, 09:19 PM   #121
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Originally Posted by tdSKINS1 View Post
Your going to say I'm sucking his dick when your spitting out stats just like I have the only difference is that I think he is not only a great athlete but a pretty good QB. All I said in the beginning was look at what he has done sucessfully and I think taking your team deep in the playoffs and making consecutive pro bowls at least validates you as a pretty good quarterback. I never condoned what he did I think it was awful however he deserves a second chance and I think that chance should be at QB. So go ahead and suck some Earthquake dick like you have been

First of all I would like to thank you for the complement to my gentials, second of all if you look back at the posts I never said amything about Vick being a bad QB or a good QB, and third of all how do you know that he is sucking me off???

See what happens when you dont pay attention, you get shown as an idiot and a dumbass. So I comend you for that.

Shameless self-promotion. It is what it is.
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Old 05-06-2009, 09:24 PM   #122
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Would you rather be talking about Todd Collins for QB campaign? Or how about Colt?

I would rather talk about garbage water behind the toilet than Vick and Favre.

Shameless self-promotion. It is what it is.
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Old 05-06-2009, 09:42 PM   #123
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Originally Posted by EARTHQUAKE2689 View Post
I would rather talk about garbage water behind the toilet than Vick and Favre.
Agreed. This thread is becoming irrelevant and should be closed. When (and if) Vick plays for the NFL, then people can bring up this subject again.
R.I.P. #21
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Old 05-06-2009, 09:48 PM   #124
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

I agree. It's time to show some compassion and perform euthanasia on this thread and put it out of its misery.
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Old 05-06-2009, 11:43 PM   #125
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Well, I guess I don't think even the study you provided really shows your point very well. Using your numbers(inverting to show the negative of the study):

32.5(or about 1/3) of the individuals were successfully rehabilitated (never re-entered the "system")

53.1(or over half) were NOT reconvicted in State or Federal Court for a new crime

48.2( or just under half) were NOT returned to prison with or without a new prison sentence (and 26.4% of the "half" that were were sent back were done so on a technical violation which can range from minor to major, but not violations of the criminal law per se).

only 1 in 4 (25.4%) were sent back based on a new crime committed, and convicted of the same.

If you had not said you were studying Criminal Justice, I probably wouldn't care how you felt. But if you are taking the time and effort to enter our nations jurisprudence, then maybe you should look at what the numbers really say. Further, if you take some of the offenses, and account for things like home and stability after incarceration, income levels again after incarceration, you would find the truth is that recidivism comes not just from a simplistic "deterence of crime due to the fear" but from a whole spectrum of "touchy feely" and "fear of punishment".

32.5% were re-habilitated without ever re-entering the system. Yes that is not 100%, but it is 1 in 3 people, real people who move forward in our society and overcome social and economic stigma of being a felon. So please, whatever you are going to do with your Criminal Justice degree, don't base your assumptions of the fact that people can't respond. That would be a false premise.
Fear not, I completed my degree over 15 years ago and stayed in the field my minor is in, Computer Science. We'll have to agree to disagree, I tend to focus on the 2 out of 3 that are repeat offenders and believe that for the most part criminals tend to not change their outlook.
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Old 05-07-2009, 01:10 AM   #126
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
There's your problem, you think government or society can change an individual's mind-set. It rarely happens, that's why the recidivism rate for criminals is so high. Vick may not fight dogs again, but it will have nothing to do with some animal-sensitivity training or counseling. It will be because of the punishment and losses he took.

No one is saying Vick shouldn't be allowed to hold a job, he just shouldn't be re-instated to the NFL. There are several other football leagues he could try out for, CFL, AFL, etc. He has college credits on his resume, not sure what he majored in, maybe he could go out and get a job like the rest of us.
I guess you would be happy to oblige us with giving him a job right? I doubt it. It used to be that when some one became a felon and after they did their time or punishment people would hire them. In this day in age it's even harder for a felon to get a job. I used to say heck they can always get a job in construction making 13-15 dollars an hour, but honestly I've heard from site manager's who now have the mind set of ...."I won't hire a felon cause the chances of them committing another crime is hire." Plus most construction workers make their bigger dollars working on government contracts or local government contracts and the manager can't have felons on government property.

In other words they are not even wanted in construction any more. So if they can't get a job in construction how are felons supposed to support their families? I guess we shouldn't care. I guess we should simply say if your associated with Vick in some way sucks to be you cause he's trash and no one should hire him.

I on the other hand would prefer the NFL let him play. Have him do commercials on TV and radio speaking about how what he did was wrong. Take a portion of his earnings (millions as you put it) and give it to the very organization that needs the money to support their cause of stopping people from torturing animals. I would think the face in the media telling kids that it's wrong would not only be good for our future kids seeing a role model say it's wrong but also be humbling and humiliating every time he has to get on t.v. or radio to discuss it.
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Old 05-07-2009, 02:13 AM   #127
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Once and for all, I think the principal issue that seperates MV from those that have a more legitimate use (albeit disgusting) of "dog" and in general.....animals is HOW they were dispatched. It is my understanding that Vick and his companero's often employed tortuous methods to accomplish this.......ex choking, drowning, etc for their own amusement.
I cannot say how those of the asian and other cultures "do in" soon to be dinner, but I can say I have never seen a hunter down by the "crick" drowning or choking Bambe to death. Those that would do these acts are SICK SOB's
A few months in the pen is doubtful to change such........severe character issues. I have no problem with him getting a job as he has paid his debt under the law.
I DO have a problem with him playing this charade out in public SOLEY for the $$$$$$.....see, I good now! no bad. I no choke innocent dogs to death for fun. I no drown innocent dogs to death for fun. I good, see PETA love me.
Wake up, it's about the $$$, nothing more........MV is on sick
DOUBTFUL to change
My arguement is not about HOW he put them down. I think most people would agree it was wrong and inhumane.

Again with the Hunter issues. If we are going to stay on this topic then lets dabble. I can tell you I've heard from many of hunters who hunt during all seasons. Most that I have talked to mention how after they shoot the deer (Bambi, as you put it) with an arrow, they have to follow the trail of blood cause not everyone unlike yourself can hit the heart with an arrow everytime. Funny I have also heard the same thing from hunters who use rifles. Sometimes following the blood trail for up to a mile or more. The whole time spilling blood a long the way. What a slow horrible death. The difference to me is the fact that the dog is domesticated and relies on humans to feed him vs the deer who is wild. Plus our social norms tell us from society that killing of domesticated animals...equals bad. No matter how it's done. The law does not descriminate as to the owner who has malnurished animals and the one that tortures. Depending on the charge depends on the class felony or misdemeanor and depending on that is what punishment you will receive. Now the judge does have some leway in whether he gives you the full punishment or only some of it.

My major complaint which you keep over looking for "How the animals were dispatched" is that the punishments from case to case are not consistant and MV got a harder sentence then most. To put this into a different perspective keep getting stuck on how Jeffery Dalmer cut up those people and put their pieces in his fridge and I'm saying the people should not have been killed, and he should get the same punishment as everyone else who does this horrendous crime.

I also belive it all boils down to everyones value system. MV's value system for his dogs obviously was kinda low, but that does not mean he's not a caring individual. I had a neighbor who loved dogs but hated cats. If cats came around he grabbed his 22 and shot them. But god forbid something happen to a dog.

The only issue I have with MV in regards to his "torturing" as you put it, is this a smaller issue to something else he's possibly done or was compelled to do. In other words psychiatrist have proven that kids who hurt domesticated animals have a tendancy to become rapists or murderers. If the psychiatrist have evaluated him and find this to not be the case then order him to stay away from owning animals and we are all good. It won't happen ever again or he faces a longer stay with bubba. See his getting into trouble is a two fold issue .....has he been punished for what he's done? and will he do it again? I think some people think the answer to the first question is no. while others say yes. The second part is the bigger issue. To simply let him out of prison after his stint and say good luck does not ensure he will not do the same crime again. But if stipulations were put in place perhaps ordering him to not own another animal for face more jail time then we have partially controlled the " will it happen again." To make him get counceling to hopefully see his wrong doing is another. To force him to speak about his atrocious act to the media, fans, and public is hopefully a way for him to see how this is socially unexceptable through the tough questions he would face and scrutiny. No different then a criminal having to face his victim and hear how it effected them or the family of the victim. I puts things in perspective for the criminal.

Plus he most likely would only get vet min. $400,000-$600,000 since he's been out. No one would want to offer mills. to find out he's washed up. and taking $100,000 would go a long way toward assisting either the local PETA or national PETA.
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Old 05-07-2009, 12:43 PM   #128
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Re: Michael Vick in Talks to Become PETA Spokesman

Setting aside much of what you said (and I agree with much, or at least can't dispute it) for the sake of brevity. If his career did not hang in the balance, MV would have no interest in this publicity campaign. It's not about making peace with his demons, or doing the right thing, or giving back to the community.
It is about the $$$$$$.......only
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