Originally Posted by firstdown
I disagree with what I highlighted to a point. I was divorced once and said I would get married one more time but only to the right women. I was single for 10 years before I found the right women because I knew after my first try I knew what I wnated and what I did not want in my next wife. So my divorce actually helped me the second time around. One thing I did know is that I would not get involved with a women who had a child but I was raising my daughter as I ruled out mothers. I guess that a double standard but I was actually honest and told girls I dated this and I guess they understood.
And a note on this specifically, you probably have been successful in this second marriage because you knew what you wanted, and you know what to expect. You clearly are a good communicator with women now, given that you're willing to be honest and say 'no mothers need apply.' Sounds like in your case, you took a lot of positive things out of your divorce experience. That open communication does wonders for setting expectations in a relationship. I'll bet your current wife knows what to expect from you, it's something she likes, and you're happy together.
Dr. Phil out.