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2005 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee's

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Old 02-05-2005, 05:50 PM   #31
Skins fan 44
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Unreal. I mean come on. I would just like to know what the NFL has to do with the Hall. You would think that the NFL would have something to say about who get in. I am sure Irvin will get busted with more coke to get his name out and get elected next year. I was listening to Mel Kiper Jr. on ESPN Radio the morning and he was talking about how Monk should be in. He said if you take a all time fifth all time hitter (as Monk is receiving in football with receiving) in baseball and they are in the HOF. Monk was the all time leading when he retired wasnt he? What more does he have to do? F*ck those people.
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Old 02-05-2005, 06:57 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon
It would help if he did a little apologizing and a little "glad handing" on his own behalf.
What the f*&% does he have to apologize for? Not being a quote machine? Not making news off the field? I'll admit he wasn't an out going guy but also wasn't a jerk. He has nothing to apologize for and it would be a disgrace to his legacy for him to do so.
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:08 PM   #33
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The sad thing is that they really live up to the name of Hall of "Fame." Art was a workman-like guy who flew under the radar because he was a quiet decent guy who didn't make spectacular plays, but made ALL the little plays and had super hands. Michael Irvin, on the other hand, makes the top 6 with inferior stats to Art, because he was a loudmouth who has always kept himself in the spotlight, even since retiring with his ESPN gig.

IMO, its almost more of a compliment to Art to have all these knowledgeable former players like Salisbury, Hoge, Schlereth, etc etc. crying out that it is a horrible shame that he isn't in the Hall. I think it is probably more important to him to have earned their respect than to have earned the respect of these random sportswriters. Still, it blows that he keeps getting snubbed.
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:56 PM   #34
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What Monk accomplished on the field speaks for itself. If the HOF voters are holding something against him because he didn't talk to the media that's a damn shame.

Players should be elected in to the Hall based on what they did ON the field, not in the locker room.
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Old 02-05-2005, 09:09 PM   #35
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Monk apologize?? What the hell for? Oh maybe for being a team player that wasnt loud and obnoxious. For just wanting to play football and not wanting to answer ridiculous questions from some reporter (I.E. Peter Kind, Dr. Z. Etc..) in post game interviews. You know i have heard alot of ex-players say that Monk deserves to be in the hall, and i think that having the respect of your peers is better than kissing some reporters ass to get into the hall. Art is above these reporter clowns!!!!
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Old 02-05-2005, 09:24 PM   #36
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Lets get together and dump Sports Illustrated, convince everyone you know to dump SI. Those idiot sports writers are the ones that have a strangle hold on not letting Art Monk in the HOF.
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Old 02-05-2005, 10:36 PM   #37
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I dumped SI, a long time ago. The internet works just fine for all my sports news needs. I don't care if the Skins win the SB and they offer all those freebies. I am not dropping $50-60 for a years subscription.
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Old 02-05-2005, 11:37 PM   #38
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Being biased is part of being human. You are biased in favor or Art Monk because he was a Redskin; that's not bad; it's just a fact.

Media folks will tend to have a bias against Monk because he was not helpful to them; that's not bad; it's just a fact.

Sklinsfan 44:

The NFL has nothing to say about who gets into the HoF just as the other sports have no say about who gets into their Halls of Fame. And if they did, think of all the blackballing that would go on because of what some player or his agent did vis a vis his owner or ownership in general. Remember, Reggie White sued the NFL and his lawsuit is the one that established free agency. Owners might not think nearly as much of Reggie White as fans or writers/broadcasters do with reagerd to HoF membership. And let's be very clear here; no matter who he played for, Reggie White belongs in the HoF the minute he is eligible because he was unquestionably the best DE of all time and maybe the best DL of all time.


You are absolutely right. Art Monk does not have to apologize to anyone about anything. He did nothing wrong. But if HE wants to get into the HoF sooner as opposed to later, he'll try to mend fences. If he doesn't do that, you need to start to put a small part of the blame on him for his being outside and not inside. He could make this happen if it were important enough to HIM.

On the other hand, I'm certain that Art Monk does not care one whit whether or not you are offended by the vote of the committee and I'm equally certain that the committee is not concerned with your degree of upset either.

If you were to succeed in getting up a sufficiently wide boycott for SI that would make them sit up and take notice (probability is about 0.000001), be sure to let them know what it will take for you and all your friends to resubscribe and then send in your money because otherwise, they will write you off as a loss and move on to try to capture a different demographic. Canceling a subscription is one thing; but if you want them to change, you have to show them that you can deliver them even more readers than they used to have once they change. How might you do that?

For the record, I was an SI subscriber from 1960 until about 1992 and then I dumped it. I dumped it because the mag was not nearly as good as it once was - and when I read it once in a while now, it still isn't nearly worth the price of a subscription. So, don't tell them I'll be a new subscriber if they help put Art Monk in the HoF because that won't make SI stink any the less.
The Sports Curmudgeon
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Old 02-06-2005, 12:01 AM   #39
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Steve young in and Art out doesn't make any sence and all the arguments for keeping Art out get weaker by the year becuase they vote someone less deserving in every time . There has to come a point when they say hey what happened to the guy who went to three superbowls held the record for the longest streak of games with at leat one pass, most yards per catch and most catches in a single season he must be a HOF no no sorry he was Art Monk

And it cannot be an anti Redskin thing because I remember the art appreciation signs up in Jets land where he retired he was throughout his career a standup guy.

One thing bothers me is the voting is by memeber of the press and so many of them come from new york or california no wonder Art isn't getting the ballots .

I worry about Mitchell not even bing mentioned for a hof place when he becomes eleigable and the same excuses come out but all in all it will be an anti Redskin vote and the HOF becomes in my mind the same kind of popularity contest bs as the pro bowl which is sad because it lessens the importance of the players in it...
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Old 02-06-2005, 01:03 AM   #40
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Well you heard the other thread's reason for him not getting in...

His name comes after Irvin.... great reason.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 02-06-2005, 11:05 AM   #41
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Marino was a lock and after looking at Young's career stats and accomplishments I agree with his selection as well. Young led the league in passing 6 times, has a ring, and held the single season passer rating record as well until Manning broke it this year.

What I really remember about Young is how deadly accurate he was, when he was on he was like a surgeon. He has over 30,000 career passing yards, he has a great TD to INT ratio, his numbers really are impressive when you look at them. Plus he was one of the most dangerous scrambling QB's to have played the game.
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Old 02-06-2005, 08:31 PM   #42
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Art was TEAM player..............didn't promotoe HIMSELF enough............didn't hang out with hookers and do drugs.......too boring......(I'm being sarcastic here....I'm so angry..........) :screama: I'M SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

But thinking on the positive think next year..........Monk and Irvin will probably be voted in at the same time.......adding new fuel to the fire of the Redskin/Dallas rivalary.....
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