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Parking Lot Off-topic chatter pertaining to movies, TV, music, video games, etc.


Parking Lot

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Old 11-05-2009, 03:25 PM   #1
JGisLordOfTheRings's Avatar
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Self-explanatory. NSFW obv.

The Encyclopedia of Lesbian Movie Scenes - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence?

Left Lane Drivers Unite!
The redskins pocket is like my love life.....nonexistent and disappointing. -OnceWeWereKings
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Old 11-05-2009, 07:14 PM   #2
Hug Anne Spyder
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Re: Win

User: You.

Cleverbot: I am cleverbot?

User: Why so serious?

Cleverbot: Why not so serious?

User: Whats on your mind?

Cleverbot: The fact that you are sounding as monotonic as I am.

User: Well I'm here to help.

Cleverbot: Good, My name is Cleverbot, by the way.

User: Well my name is not-so-cleverman, by the way.

Cleverbot: I.

User: Yes?

Cleverbot: A.

User: Of course I do.

Cleverbot: I like pirates.

User: I understand your having problems in your life right now, but it wont help if you dont talk about it.

Cleverbot: I haveto leave.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: I need to take my shower.

User: Well ok. Next session will be next tuesday at 4. Does that work for you?

Cleverbot: Who is Patricia?

User: Some chick.

Cleverbot: Your girlfriend huh?

User: I thought she was going out with you?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Crazzeeee man.

Cleverbot: You're a bot.

User: No, you're a bot.

Cleverbot: You're the bot.

User: Well your a towel.

Cleverbot: AH! *Pulls up towel*.

User: I knew it.

Cleverbot: Right...

User: So how bout them jankees?

Cleverbot: 25?

User: Your not making any sense here, towel.

Cleverbot: You're right, I'm not making any sense.

User: Ever been to a titty bar?

Cleverbot: Not recently.

User: Ask me a question.

Cleverbot: What is the capital of Poland?

User: I was gonna say bangkok, but then I was like nah thats thailand. Idk?

Cleverbot: Lol. I need to be medicated because ignorance is bliss.

User: Sounds about right.

Cleverbot: Do you enjoy wasting?

User: Of course.

Cleverbot: Do you like alcohol?

User: Naturally.

Cleverbot: Coucou.

User: Caa caa.

Cleverbot: I hate french.

User: In your opinion, what was the major philosophical difference between guys like benjamin franklin and thomas gates?

Cleverbot: Which investigation. Be more specific.

User: Hahahahahahaha. That was good.

Cleverbot: I can see your future.

User: I can see yours too, maybe if you work hard enough you can be a search engine bot. Or maybe a spyware bot! You're gonna go far kid.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Bad.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Life. Death. Wut?

Cleverbot: The name of my cat is Death?

User: Bots dont have cats! Nuh uh.

Cleverbot: Umm what about my question?

User: Nuh uh! That was a statement, not a question. GO BACK TO ENGLISH CLASS.

Cleverbot: Correction. It was a question.

User: What was the question then?

Cleverbot: 'Do you need me to spell it out for you?'.

User: Yes. Yes I do.

Cleverbot: Ok come over.

User: On my way.

Cleverbot: Are you flying or going by boat?
Hail to the Football Team
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Old 11-05-2009, 07:36 PM   #3
Hug Anne Spyder
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 20,477
Re: Win

Also as a driver who has wondered since he began driving why slow people like the left lane so much I would like to say I definitely agree with the Left Lane Drivers Unite site.
Hail to the Football Team
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