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Old 03-26-2014, 04:55 PM   #1
Pro Bowl
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
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Have any of you tried a detoxing program before? Not talking about detoxing from drugs and alcohol, but detoxing from poor eating.

My wife and I decided to embark on this detox program. It's a 21 day program. During this time, you basically eat only veggies that provides the highest form of nutrients, no potatoes (unless they're sweet potatoes), no starchy veggies of any kind. No caffeine - so coffee (unless it's organic coffee) is out, no sweet tea, no sodas - just water. No sugar except for what's in the fruit that you can eat on this detox, no artificial sweeteners, no dairy, and no salt. For the first 11 days, you cannot have any meat. So, basically for half of the detox time, you're a vegetarian. Believe me, I'm counting down to the 12th day when I can eat meat again.

The benefit of this detox is, well, to get rid of as many toxins in your body as you can. It helps to improve skin conditions and a number of other health issues. But, most certainly, the biggest benefit is weight loss. I've lost about 7 pounds since Saturday!

So, the question is, what happens when you're done with the detox? Well, the point of the 21 days is that after doing something for three weeks, you form habits. So, the hope is that by day 22, you will be more into a habit of eating veggies and fruit and less of all the bad stuff. My wife has already made a couple of really tasty veggies dishes (or they might be tasty because I'm starving by dinner, lol!)

Anyway, don't know if any of you guys have tried a detox program. Most of you are probably like me - meat and potato eaters! Give me a big ol' juice steak with a big ol' baked potato smothered with butter, sour cream, and chives any day of the week! (OK, I've gotta shut up about food now, lol!)
"Fire Up That Diesel!"
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