Originally Posted by MTK
I don't think we can even say that's the list they're going from though. There were several other lists that fans were voting on back when they did that.
I think it's fair to rationalize that the 3 names that they are choosing from were at least spotlighted in the Making the Brand Videos. Those 8 are the ones from this most current one. I just don't think this front office, and Jason Wright particularly is trying to be super secretive about it. I think they are trying to walk the fanbase to the one that is the eventual new name.
For me it's pretty easy to see Wolves/RedWolves (W/RW) as being where these videos point to. Whether it's the subtle imagery points in the flip sheets, the multiple fan groups howling, or even the words they use to describe the final choice. They all easily can be pointed to W/RW. I believe in fan polling RedWolves was the leading name, and they are doing nothing with these videos to minimize or reduce it's popularity. Instead, through subtle and not so subtle imagery they are reinforcing the W/RW imagery and sounds. Short of having wolves running in the background, I doubt they could do much more to highlight that name as an option.