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Should Mike Shanahan be fired?

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View Poll Results: Should Mike Shanahan be fired?
Yes - fire him now 11 6.51%
Wait til after the season to decide 38 22.49%
No 120 71.01%
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Old 11-03-2012, 03:34 AM   #11
The Goat
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Re: Should Mike Shanahan be fired?

Originally Posted by Skinzman View Post
Some of these teams that were turned around arent exactly model franchises. Lions had a QB that finally stop being injured. They had one good year and are struggling again. Niners was more about Singletary than anything else. They actually had a good team, just one that refused to play for a guy that relied on insults instead of coaching. The Bengals are the same inconsistent team they usually are with a random winning season here and there. The record is a little better as a whole than 10 years ago but no one considers them world beaters. If the Bengals are what we are aspiring to be, then why care who our coach is?

The situations of all three were completely different than what the Redskins had three years ago.

The biggest problem is that the Redskins have been run by a fan. One that calls for heads to roll after a year or two, and that has been one of the problems of this team. There has been no continuity or chemistry. Especially given that Snyder will most likely look to go back to the days of Snyderatto if he fires Shanny. Which does not mean winning, in case you missed the last 20 years.

To say we are no closer to being competitive is to call RG3 a scrub. There is no way that statement is even remotely true. I get that a lot want to win something so bad that going back to winning the offseason every year is a goal. Its just a stupid goal. Win today or be fired tomorrow is not going to cut it in the NFL. We have been through 20 years of that and some are desperate to go back. I am personally not that excited about winning the offseason just so fans can claim that we have won something.

Shanny has been here 2 1/2 years. Second year was a lockout so FA was not ideal by any stretch of the imagination. First year Shanny deserves a lot of blame, because he actually thought he could win now. He deserves his fair share for that but it seems we are moving to build through the draft the last two drafts and I dont want that to stop. A coaching change now just means a brand new O-line being put in place (since the ZBS isnt exactly common) as well as massive changes to everything else. How long will that rebuild take? According to some here, it should only take 3 games. I call bs to that assertion. Does he deserve 10 years? No, and I never said he should get it. But this carousel at coaching and philosophies will never work.

As for Parity, the last 10 or so years, the same parity has existed in MLB as has in the NFL. 3 teams won it all twice with a few breakthroughs from a couple of other teams.

If the goal is to ruin RG3, then by all means, keep screaming for a new coach every year.
All four teams I mentioned would beat the snot out of Mike's football team. I win

I keed I keed. Not about all four teams beating Mike's though, that shit is real. We were in a lot of games last year, and the year before. We were a below average team. (BTW the intellectual acrobatics on display about all teams playing down to us story is impressive) This year we're in most of our games. We're (still) a below average team, and it's for many of the same reasons as in years one and two e.g. bad defense, lousy special teams, poor discipline, inconsistency, questionable play-calling/play-design, and FA busts.

Nobody that I know discussed canning Mike right after last year, and obviously not after his first year. I don't know where you heard that...but neither do you probably lol.

It's year three. Some of us don't see any overall progress. We traded in a good defense/average offense (pre-Shanahan) for a shit defense/great offense that struggles in a lot of situations, usually the kind that win football games. And that's with ROY at QB.

Sometimes there is a fine line between continuity and complacency, but this isn't one of those times. Mike does not know how to win anymore as an HC. Some believe it's because he could only really win with Elway. Some believe it also had something to do with playing in a week division, and against fewer elite teams in that era. Still others believe it's because he's not actually winning anymore. That last one is a real stretch if you ask me

I think SmootSmack is right that the real continuity is with Bruce Allen. Well, SS hasn't said it that way yet but it's what he thinks.

Last edited by The Goat; 11-03-2012 at 03:41 AM.
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